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1 | In the article, we outline the phenomenological fundamentals and important milestones in the history of the study of the unconscious. As for discussion about the nature of the unconscious, we show that there is a range of mutually exclusive versions and hypotheses about genetic link between unconscious factor and conscious mental processes. Further, we present various points of view expressed by international and Russian authors. The points of view reflect scientific approaches to the issue of relationship between conscious and unconscious mental activity in literary creation. We note that the role of the unconscious in the psychology of art and literary creativity has consistently attracted scholars engaged in a wide range of science areas, including psychologists and specialists in literary science. In addition, we examine the nature of creative intuition as an expression of unconscious creativity. We suggest that intuition unconditionally dominates the entire spiritual human life and guides all kinds of human creative activity. We show that the psychology of literary creation aims to trace the influence of unconscious on the creative work of a creative personality. The psychology of literary creation seeks to describe and classify the various manifestations of the unconscious in creative activity. Literary creativity is regarded as a special form of the generalized reflection of reality, talking in a specific language. Finally, we note that the disclosure of the peculiarity of the literary language and the individual style of the writer is not feasible without reference to the issue of the unconscious, without taking into account regularities and mechanisms of its operation. Keywords: consciousness, unconscious, psychology of creativity, writer, creative intuition, literary creativity | 1520 | ||||
2 | In the article we present structural and substantive analysis of the basic stages of implementation and approbation of the Professional Standard «Teacher-Psychologist (Psychologist in the sphere of education)» in educational institutions of the Russian Federation in the period from 2012 to 2019. Particularly, we highlight the requirements of the new professional standard «Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the sphere of education)» for psychologist working in educational institutions. We show that the professional standard requirements to candidates for positions related to psychological and pedagogical activity are quite serious. We also note that effective realization of the general labour functions and labour functions, presented in the professional standard, is possible when definite universal general and specific professional competencies related to necessary skills and knowledge are completely formed. Requirements to education and training, experience of work and special conditions of admission of psychologists of educational institutions for job, a list of categories of persons who can not hold the position of teacher-psychologist are presented. Professional knowledge, a set of action and skills performed by psychologists are described. Standardization of professional activity of psychologists working at educational institutions will make possible more precise determination of the scope and directions of university training, retraining or professional development of pedagogical personnel. Keywords: standardization, standard, professional standard, approbation, implementation of professional standard, position, teacher-psychologist, educational institution | 1414 | ||||
3 | It is shown that the results of science research in the area of personalization made psychologists pay attention to the study of literary abilities of a gifted person, especially the psychological foundations and writers’ artistic creativity process. We started with the fact that nowadays researchers are searching for the integrative psychological indicator which allows to characterize a literary gifted personality. Further we describe the contribution of scholars to the development of diagnostic tools for studying psychological manifestations of literary abilities and specifics of literary and art creativity. Throughout the last century Russian and international scientists engaged in psychology have been carrying out fundamental research, including longitudinal studies on the problems of psychology of creativity, general and specific abilities. Finally, we show that one of the central problems of empirical studies in the field of psychological knowledge is the development of methods and tools for diagnosing psychological features of a creatively gifted personality. Russian psychologists developed testing techniques for diagnostics of features of creative thinking. However, researchers experience considerable difficulties in finding of external criterion. The uniform generalized validity measure for creativity has not been established yet. Special difficulties are caused by the design of psychological tests which can be used to study the nature of special abilities, literary and artistic talent. At the moment, the specialized tests for studying literary talent are not developed, therefore the problem of creating them is objectively relevant. Keywords: psychology of abilities, writer’s psychology, literary abilities, literary and artistic creativity, psychological diagnostics of abilities, methods of psychological diagnostics | 1238 | ||||
4 | The article presents the results of an empirical study of educational overload among the students of the main stage of secondary school. The theoretical and methodological substantiation of the research is given and its objective relevance for the modern system of General education is shown. The empirical phase of the study was conducted over several years (2012–2018). Were involved in 527 adolescent school students during their training in the sixth-eighth grades of the General school. Psychological diagnostic data were subjected to mathematical and statistical processing, classified, generalized and interpreted. The results revealed the relationship between subjective perception and objective educational overload and allowed us to come to the conclusion about the impact of educational overload on the psychological well-being of students of the main stage of the General school. The conclusion that the prevention of educational overloads should be guided on either normative regulation of separate types of educational activity or a subjective state of students is made. The generalized conclusion is that the reason of the educational overload is not the expense of the main educational load of students but visiting additional types of educational activities. The data obtained allow us to say that preventing the occurrence of educational overload leads to necessity to optimize the possibility of assimilation and study of the material during the performance of the basic types of educational activities. Recommendations of possible directions of preventive work with students are given. The implementation of preventive programs should be carried out both in educational and extracurricular activities with all subjects of the educational process – teachers, educators, as well as with the parents of students. It is shown that the task of the teacher-psychologist is to identify the factors that may further cause the occurrence of certain difficulties or deviations in the development of children, and their elimination through preventive work. Keywords: academic load, educational overload, psychological predictors, risk factors, basic General school, prevention of educational overload | 1142 | ||||
5 | The article presents a theoretical and historical overview of the studies of general and special abilities carried out in the domestic scientific psychology. The difficulties associated with the definition of the concepts of “ability” and “giftedness” are analyzed. The understanding of the nature of creativity and creativity is indicated. The psychological essence and specificity of literary activity as a scientific phenomenon are considered. The characteristic of literary and artistic abilities as an internal psychological regulator of personality is given. It is shown that the ability to literary creativity refers to the artistic type of giftedness, which has both common qualities inherent in other types of giftedness, and peculiar, distinguishing it from other types of abilities. It is concluded that most of the complexities and contradictions in the study of the phenomenology of abilities are mainly associated with the comprehension of what ontologically represents this mental phenomenon. It is shown that the psychology of literary and artistic creativity and related areas of scientific knowledge are very complex and multifaceted. It is said that the creation of conditions that ensure the identification and creative development of literary gifted persons, the realization of their potential is among the priorities of modern society. Of great importance for the development of literary abilities is the social, including educational environment. Keywords: abilities, general abilities, special abilities, creative abilities, literary abilities, literary and artistic abilities, literary giftedness, psychology of art, psychology of literary creativity, personality of the writer | 805 |