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1 | Training education specialists working on digital educational platforms is highly relevant and approved not only in educational system, but also within the country’s economic system, where digitalization is one of the leading priorities. The level of research of challenges, that such training courses are facing, is obviously low. Hence, the article aims to develop training techniques in line with regulatory and organizational potential of modern Russian education. Given proposals are subject to an integrated model being developed on the basis of the existing experience of schools in the Tomsk region. Best practices of the domestic education have been considered at the same time. For example, an integrated nature of the model was provided by a set of requirements for the workers selection, their personal and professional characteristics, prerequisites for regulatory standards of their employment, organization charts, and system of their refresher training. The given model takes into maximum consideration conditions and development prospects of the regional labor market. Hence, its practical implementation can have a positive impact on the economy of the region over the system of local education. Results of the research include some proposals that provide a model for training of such specialists. As a conclusion, this model can be implemented in educational process of each school without any discrepancy with the existing regulations. The importance of the research results was approved by its use in the advanced education for teachers and within the activities of the Tomsk region schools. Keywords: Learning experience platform, pathways advisor, values of digital education, meanings of learning experience platform | 1168 | ||||
2 | The formation of the information society, as a consequence of the emergence of the digital economy, has led to the modernization of the education system, the development of its formal, informal and informal components. At the same time, the modern education system is increasingly characterized by such characteristics as: the diversity of providers of educational services; transparent for the labor market and suppliers of educational services competency system; availability of a mechanism to confirm the results of non-formal education through examinations and certification; changing the role of the teacher in the educational process, etc. In these conditions, issues related to the design and implementation of individual educational programs for students in educational clusters that provide for the implementation of the federal component of basic educational programs, extracurricular activities, and additional education become relevant. The tools for achieving these goals in the Tomsk region are a specialized platform for building educational trajectories (regional project Territory of Intellect), as well as the additional education program ProfProjectorium as one of the entry points of children in the sphere of modern technologies through the design of individual educational tracks. Digital educational platform includes the best educational resources of the Tomsk region, which allows to take into account students’ requests and promote their development by means of an individual educational trajectory that includes resources (projects, additional educational courses, events of partners of the digital platform, etc.) that go beyond the lesson and schools. The program is designed to immerse children in such professional areas as Creative Economy, Cyber Economy, New Technological Sector, Research and Production Sphere, Ecological Sphere, get acquainted with promising professions of the present and near future and increase awareness in choosing the way to develop your own competencies with the help of a specialized educational platform. The task for the further development of these areas is to ensure the networking of institutions of education, science, business and the economy as a whole, which corresponds to the definition of network relations as an essential element of the knowledge economy. The developed methodology determines the approaches to choosing the method of constructing educational trajectories in the system of additional education of children, algorithms for building individual educational trajectories, approaches to developing the content of educational trajectories and creating approximate educational tracks based on existing educational programs in the system of additional education in Tomsk region. Formation of the system of continuous education on the basis of the introduction of the system of development of competencies and the corresponding modular programs will make the most efficient use of human potential and create conditions for self-realization already at school age. Keywords: individual educational program, digital educational platform, regional project Territory of Intelligence, program of additional education Prof Projectorium | 1143 | ||||
3 | Attracting young people to the technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions are becoming important priorities of state policy today. The task of building a new innovative economy in the country and achieving the technological level cannot be solved without a radical improvement of the system of additional education of children of technical orientation, including through the development and implementation of individual educational trajectories in priority areas in demand in the modern world. In these circumstances, there is a need to develop a new educational model based on the integration of modern programs of additional education and allowing to prepare future specialists of the scientific and technical sphere in constantly changing conditions, starting from school age. The considered model of forming competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity was developed as part of the implementation of measures to form a regional model of additional education “Territory of Intelligence” in the Tomsk region. Building a model for the formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity is carried out in several stages: determining the purpose of modeling, building a system of components of the process of forming competences, forming competences in dynamics and establishing criteria for evaluating the expected results. The model of formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of scientific and technical creativity by means of additional education includes: the target component as a matrix of target results, representing the decomposition of competences into a system of actions that the student must master as part of the formation of competences; the content-operational component of the model as a set of educational content collected on the educational digital platform; operational and technological component as a set of options for the formation of competencies or a set of educational tracks (routes) and ways to move between them to build an individual educational trajectory; diagnostic component that provides the identification of the level of formation of competencies of the student when registering on a digital platform. The set of competences in the field of scientific and technical creativity, which can be formed among schoolchildren in the course of training in the system of additional education, is determined from the requirements of employers to the professional competencies of specialists in the scientific and technical sphere, as well as from the educational possibilities that allow at school age. To assess the level of formation of competence, activity indicators were developed, which were distributed among the levels of formation and levels of competence: from simple operations to the ability to manage complex technical and production processes. The complete criterion-diagnostic apparatus of the model includes matrices of target results 60 competencies, which contain 960 indicators of the level of formation and manifestation of these competencies. The implementation of the model will make the most effective use of human potential and create conditions for the self-realization of schoolchildren in the scientific and technical sphere. Keywords: model of formation of schoolchildren’s competencies, sphere of scientific and technical creativity, additional education | 1327 | ||||
4 | This issue is a new challenge that is being actively dealt with within the context of the domestic education. The relevance of the given issue is conditioned by the following set of reasons: demand of the contemporary society to develop new sources of education which consequently include establishment of new educational technologies providing necessary competence for the adjustment by schoolchildren to the modern world; incomplete presentation of the research of challenges in the field of startup of digital learning platforms including technologies of its efficient implementation in the system of general education. The purpose of the article is to present a draft of the developed author’s digital educational platform with the specific goal of ensuring the planning and implementation of educational paths for schoolchildren. The draft model is designed in line with the following components: schema of the assembly of educational contents of the platform based on the combination of regional resources; structures of platform architecture – navigation, virtual workspace, section of opportunities; digital profile of a schoolchild competencies as a key element of the platform; technologies for planning and building educational pathways of schoolchildren. Theoretical value of the research: systematized concepts of a digital platform, justified approaches and basic principles for using the potential of a digital platform; means of an efficient implementation of new educational technologies of online education. Results of the conducted research can be used by administration, teachers and workers in the field of general education. This will assure forceful creation of schoolchildren individual learning pathways, and it is therefore undertaken while taking into account resources of the regional socioeducation environment including demands of the economy and regional labor market. Keywords: Digital learning platform, planning technology, educational pathway, schoolchildren integration, vocational guidance, online education | 1159 |