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1 | The article analyzes the experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in conducting excursions about religious culture. The necessity of excursions to denominations within religious disciplines is substantiated, the experience of presenting religions through excursions to confessions is presented. The article presents the experience of presentation of religions through excursions to confessions, obtained during the visiting Museum practice and during the classroom work of students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (specialties “Cultural Studies”, “History”, bachelor’s and master’s degree “Pedagogical education”). The article deals with the specifics of the students of the excursion, the peculiarities of the reaction to religious culture, the nature of the knowledge gained, their influence on the formation of a professional teacher. On the basis of the experience of conducting excursions, the changes in the perception of religious culture that occur in the listeners are analyzed. It is stated that after excursions religious culture does not cause rejection, interest is shown in religion as an element of the spiritual sphere of society. Of particular importance is the tour for undergraduates who are teachers. In the course of visiting excursions, undergraduates acquire new knowledge that allows them to better understand the processes of ethnoconfessional interaction in the city of Tomsk, and learn to organize such excursions, which is especially important for practicing teachers. The ideological influence of religious excursions does not lead to the integration of the student into the denomination. Such integration is impossible without becoming involved in religious practice. This means that the excursion, giving knowledge about religion, keeps intact the personal space of a student and does not impose alien values. Keywords: excursion, religion, phenomenological approach, religious confession, religious culture, religious studies, teaching in higher educational institution | 1150 | ||||
2 | The article analyzes the problem of communication between the guide and the audience in excursions on the topic of religious culture. The experience of conducting various types of religious excursions at Tomsk State Pedagogical University is presented: survey and thematic excursions by confessions, the religious component of the city excursion. The specificity of communication is highlighted on excursions conducted by a teacher or guide, and on excursions conducted by a representative of the confession. Methodical approaches typical for each type of excursion are determined, the results are analyzed. The authors identified the limitations characteristic of the traditional communication model based on the understanding of religious culture as an object external to the guide and the group. Such an excursion provides an initial acquaintance with the confession, but is ineffective if a deeper study of religion is required. This problem is caused by the contradiction between the phenomenological approach, which presupposes the study of religion within the framework of its own internal logic, and the externality of the guide in relation to religious culture. The ways of overcoming these limitations through a combination of immersion in a religious culture with external accessibility in relation to this culture are shown. Such a communication model is provided by an excursion led by a representative of the confession, who acts as a mediator, a mediator between the experience of the confession and the cultural environment. The conclusion is made about the system-forming role of the communicative aspect in a religious excursion and its specificity for this type of excursion, the need for different communication models to ensure the cognitive interest of students, including the need to involve representatives of religious confessions in conducting excursions. Keywords: communication strategy, excursion, religion, phenomenological approach, religious culture, religious confession, guide, teacher, representative of confession | 1095 | ||||
3 | The actualization of reflection on the experience of using distance technologies in teacher training is associated both with the general interest in such technologies in pedagogical science in recent years, and with the need to comprehend the methodological developments that have appeared in the context of a pandemic and the temporary transition to fully distance learning. The object of the analysis, based on the experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, is the options for using various forms and methods of remote work with future teachers. The material for the analysis is the experience of teachers and students in BigBlueButton and Moodle systems, obtained during 2020. The positive results of the use of distance educational technologies were revealed: an increase in the level of training of a future teacher in the field of information technology, an intensification of the work of students in connection with a change in the forms of control, the development of new forms and methods of work with historical sources and literature by new students. It is shown that distance learning can be carried out without reducing the quality of subject training. At the same time, distance educational technologies have significant drawbacks that relate to the problems of communication between the teacher and the audience. At this stage, they do not allow the future teacher to fully develop the skills of public speaking, working with a large audience. The solution to this problem may be the subject of further discussion. The materials of the article can be used in the educational process of higher educational institutions. Keywords: distance educational technologies, information technology, lecture, seminar, lecturer, student, current control, credit, examination | 848 |