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1 | The article deals with the use of situational tasks while studying chemistry at the basic school and their role in modern education. Notes the value of situational tasks in the development of analytical, intellectual and communicative skills of the students, the ability to find the necessary information in different sources. Analizes the definitions of situational tasks on the basis of which highlights their essential features, shows the structure and describes the requirements for the content of the tasks. The components of the situational tasks are the title, the text, the questions and the tasks. Formulates the requirements for the content of the tasks: description of a real life situation, the availability of the text for the understanding of the students, the presence of inter-subject relationship, the wording of questions of everyday, valeological, environmental and safety regulations. The answers to the questions can be oral or written, containing the formulas of the compounds, the equations of chemical reactions, tables, charts, and suggesting various mental acts – the explanation, analysis, synthesis, generalization, determination of cause-effect relationships. Examples of situational tasks in chemistry for grades 8–9 have been proposed. Develops the criteria to determine the level of development of cognitive skills for specific groups: logical skills, ability to work with information and specific skills in chemistry – sign and symbol. Levels of formation of these skills among schoolchildren in solving situation tasks in chemistry have been identified. Keywords: practice-oriented approach, situational tasks, requirements to the content of the task, criteria and levels of formation of cognitive skills of schoolchildren | 1824 |