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1 | The importance of the subject “Natural Science Picture of the World” is discussed for students of humanitarian faculties, the main task of which is the formation of a natural science worldview. Given the psychophysiological characteristics of humanities students, practical training methods are proposed for the successful formation of a scientific worldview. The most effective and scientifically based practical methods and approaches are given that complement the lecture course and increase the degree of students’ independent work. Using the proposed methods allows us to determine the degree of formation of general cultural competencies among students. Given the humanitarian orientation of students, it can be assumed that one of the effective methods of practical independent work is the structuring of the material studied by compiling integrative tables. Turning to integrative tables, which systematize natural science knowledge in certain sections corresponding to the material being studied, at the same time, the most famous cultural and historical events related to this period of time are given, students have an increase in the relationship between objects, complex systemic laws occur in the process of integrating knowledge. The use of integrative tables helps to form a worldview based on an understanding of the connections between nature, man, his ideas and the development of human civilization. Also, attention is paid to the specifics of laboratory work for humanities students. Keywords: natural-science picture of the world, scientific worldview, practical exercises, integrative tables | 961 | ||||
2 | The article is devoted to the definition of the essence of significant methodological characteristics of scientific and pedagogical research (contradiction - problem – topic) through the substantiation of their structural and semantic integrity from the perspective of modern pedagogical science. The key requirements for the formulation of contradictions, problems and topics of dissertation research, which are important to rethink in the present situation, are analyzed and summarized. The methodological foundations of some candidate/doctoral dissertations defended over the past five years in the dissertation Council of Tomsk State Pedagogical University are considered. Examples of correctly formulated topics, contradictions and problems of research in pedagogical sciences are given, taking into account the experience of the Dissertation Council at TSPU. It is shown how the scientific correctness of these formulations affects the content of the dissertation and the quality of the scientific results achieved. The current directions of pedagogical research in the field of education sciences are highlighted. Keywords: methodological characteristics, scientific justification, actual topics of dissertation research | 723 | ||||
3 | The issues of the development of the creative potential of bachelors studying under the programs of the natural science and humanities profiles of the pedagogical university are considered. The ideas and approaches used by the authors are presented on the example of teaching physics and natural science. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities of developing the creative potential of a future teacher in the process of teaching natural sciences at a pedagogical university. With the help of an interdisciplinary approach in teaching, a connection is established between specific disciplines of natural science and humanities training profiles. According to the authors, this ensures the integrity of education, allows students to successfully form a general picture of the world. Special integrative author’s tables on various topics, compiled taking into account the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach, are described. They systematize the material on certain sections of natural science knowledge and provide the most famous cultural and historical events related to a certain time period. The use of integrative tables allows for an interdisciplinary approach, the integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge. Tasks are offered for students of various faculties, taking into account the specifics of their future profession, which contributes to the creation of a free environment that stimulates the creative activity of the individual. Keywords: creative potential, interdisciplinary approach, professional training, future teacher | 509 | ||||
4 | The necessity of filling educational programs of pedagogical directions and training profiles at the university with interdisciplinary content in the logic of the implementation of the new national project “Personnel” is actualized. The interdisciplinary nature of the natural sciences and humanities disciplines taught at the pedagogical University is shown in accordance with the principles of integration and complexity of a single interdisciplinary interaction space that removes the usual restrictions (barriers). The purpose of the study is to rethink the essence of the concept of “interdisciplinarity” using the example of teaching natural science disciplines at a pedagogical university. The principle of integration determines the formation of students’ understanding of the meaning of studying each discipline in relation to others: that is, due to which one academic discipline penetrates into another, mutually enriching each other. The principle of complexity ensures the dissemination of an interdisciplinary approach to the entire educational process at a pedagogical university. The interdisciplinary content of natural science disciplines is considered through the compilation of integration and systematizing tables, comparison of scales, writing essays, solving situational problems that are effectively used in higher pedagogical education. The use of such methods and forms allows university students to go beyond the narrow limits of individual disciplines, integrate and demonstrate a comprehensive view of the world, based on the unity and interrelation of man, nature, science and art. It is concluded that interdisciplinarity is the process of combining two or more disciplinary fields (their approaches, theories, methods of analysis, etc.) in a single space of interdisciplinary interaction. The key role in the implementation of this approach is played by the personal and professional profile of a higher school teacher who has the appropriate skills and shares the significant values of the organization. Keywords: interdisciplinarity, natural science and humanities, principles of integration and complexity, pedagogical education, higher education | 286 |