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1 | The history of the question of development of social-state management in the national education system is considered in that article. An overview on the announced problematics in prerevolutionary Russia, in the Soviet period and in modern period are given. Risks and problems of cooperation of school and society at contemporary stage are being investigated. The new effective method to organize that cooperation in terms of long-duration school project activity featuring social partners is suggested too. The pedagogical practice of a specific educational institution of St. Petersburg on a long-term cooperation with social partners in different aspects of human activities is analized. Relationships of our school with scientists, culture and art workers with the aim to introduce children to thoughtful reading, ability to see beauty around them and find solutions of difficult problems are described as examples of successful projects. Educational envinronment of the city is considered as a key condition which encourages the development of modern child. A conclusion about a possibilty of emergence of child-adult communities based on their interests which contributes the selfdetermination of students, based on interaction of school and the city, is being done. Conclusions are made about the relevance in modern conditions, pre-existing practices of interaction between families and schools, the need for the development of design technologies with the involvement of the social partners, as well as the possibility of combining the school and city children and adults long-term interest communities, which contributes to the determination of students. Keywords: social partnership, social-state management, cooperation of school and society, project activity, educational envinronment of the city, self-administration, a school board, charity, voluntary work, openness of the school | 1274 |