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1 | PSYCHOLOGICAL PECULARITIES OF TEENAGE BULLING // Pedagogical Review. 2018. Issue 1 (19). P. 79-84 The problem of bullying is of particular significance in the Russian science and practice. But psychologists began to work on the development in the early 21st century. The problem of bullying becomes more relevant in the teenage environment every day. In modern society, teenagers have forgotten how to use communicative techniques. They have ceased to defend their point of view in a socially acceptable way. Cases of cruel treatment of peers became more frequent. Bullying is one of the reasons of personal destruction, depression and suicide attempts. Vygotsky said that adolescence is considered critical age for the formation of a differentiated self-esteem, development of social roles, development of moral principles and the regulation of normative behavior. Based on it, any kind of violence will leave its mark on the future life of the student. Violations that occur after violence affect all levels of human functioning. They lead to persistent personality changes that hinder the child’s ability to realize themselves in the future. This article considers the theoretical aspect of the problem of teenage bullying, analyzes different approaches to the definition of “bullying” and presents Russian definition of “school violence”. The article describes and analyzes psychological peculiarities of adolescent bullying in an educational environment. The research was based on theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. Keywords: aggressor, bulling, victim, educational surrounding, teenage age | 2500 |