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1 | The article deals with the question concerning comparative analysis of theoretical and conceptual reflections in the sphere of organization and further implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for exceptional child in the inclusive educational process. It describes main methods for creation of emotional well-being for each child in inclusive educational environment. Readers can see practical examples of the mentioned methods such as creation of situations of social success for exceptional person in the inclusive group, use of creativity for solving of different problems in the inclusive group and some other methods. Also it develops key principles of psychological and pedagogical assistance which help to reach personal success for exceptional child in the inclusive class (resistibility, collaboration between all participants in the inclusive group, orientation to learner’s personal potential and some other principles). The article creates pedagogical modifications improving process of inclusive education (change of motivational directions in the inclusive education, reinforcement of positive behavioral forms in the inclusive group as well as using of some other modifications) and presents types of adaptations which are a final product of effective implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for exceptional child in the inclusive conditions (such as gnosiological, perceptive, social and communicative, semiotic adaptations). Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support, inclusive education, exceptional child, exceptionality, educator-psychologist | 1298 | ||||
2 | The article deals with the actual problem of creation of adaptive educational route that is adequate to special educational needs of person who is in inclusive educational continuum. The author analyses the following foreign concepts of possible adaptation of educational route for exceptional persons: combinatorially-significated interpretation of creation of individual educational path and theory of adaptive emphatic discourse that is a component of holistic educational route. This research characterizes the role of adequate translative technics of communication between all participants of inclusive education in high educational institute in process of development of signified mechanism which implies creation of acceptance innovative culture in relation to any forms of exceptionality. The author clarifies importance of positive emphatization as a key condition for achievement of exceptional learner’s good academic results and development of his sustainable path of socialization as well as shows her own understanding of the term “exceptionality”. The article considers in the recommended range of adaptive technics for creation of educational route from the positions of multidisciplinary approach and description of specialist’s on social work functional role in this process. The author determines key specialist’s on social work functions in the process of creation of positive emphatic discourse, which is basic condition for successful adaptation of educational route. Keywords: educational route, person with special educational needs, exceptionality, exceptional learner, adaptation of educational route, adaptive technics, inclusive education | 930 |