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1 | The article discusses the features of environmental training for students of Russian technical universities in the context of reforming the education system. The engineering and technical profile of the future bachelor is obliged to build the ecological and educational process differently than in the case of the humanitarian or natural-science areas of student preparation. The system, axiological and thesaurus approaches are offered as theoretical grounds for the environmental and professional training of the future engineer. Together they ensure the development of an ecological culture of the individual – the main goal of environmental education activities. The necessity of representing the technical university graduate’s ecological competency (including the totality of cognitive, creative-activity, motivational-value, reflexive-evaluative components) as a reflection of ecological culture’s formation is considered. The methods and forms of training that contribute to the formation of components of environmental competence of technical university students are described. The system approach is implemented through the use of categorical-system methodology as a tool. The modes of pedagogical interaction of the teacher and student in the model of compensatory homeostat are described and justified. The importance of formation of the ecologic-professional terminology of the future engineer is grounded and the prospect of using the thesaurus approach for this is promising. It shows the possibilities of developing it through a new method of learning – a triadic decoding, involving the identification of the essential characteristics of the defined term through a system of three complementary subordinate concepts. A number of information criteria describing the formation of the ecological-centric worldview, which is the foundation of the student’s ecological culture, is described. Forms and methods of formation of ecological values of technical university’s students are considered. The theoretical foundations of ecological training indicated in the work have a heuristic potential, as it opens the possibility of improving and developing methods of ecological and vocational training for students of technical universities. Keywords: ecological preparation, technical education, system approach, axiological approach, thesaurus, categorical-system methodology | 1183 |