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1 | The article describes the process of formation of mathematical competence of future engineers, technicians in the system of secondary vocational education in the context of a new generation of Federal state educational standards within the modular-rating system of education. The analysis of pedagogical practice in the preparation of this work revealed the problems that arise in the formation of the mathematical competence of students. This article provides the necessary criteria for selection of educational material, which is used in the learning process, it becomes possible to form mathematical competence of students in a specialty “engineer”, “technician”. In our view, the prospect of the development of the learning process is to synchronize the rhythms of students and teachers, which in turn will improve the quality of the teaching process, to give a more accurate assessment of students’ knowledge. The article substantiates the use of modular-rating system, shows the scheme of work with educational material in the conditions of application of modular-rating system, provides the content of parts of educational-methodical complexes. The article also describes the advantages of the modularrating system, the conditions to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the modularrating system. Keywords: FSES SVE (Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education), mathematical competence, future engineers, technicians, modular-rating system of education | 970 |