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1 | The article considers the concept of ethnoculture as a means of familiarizing with the spiritual culture of its people, a source of inspiration for the creativity of contemporary artists and designers. The urgency of introducing the foundations of ethnoculture into the content of education is due to the effectiveness of the educational impact of ethnology. The concept of ethnocultural competence as an integral characteristic of the individual is formulated, which includes a value attitude, a stable motivation for engaging in creative activity, the author’s professional style, the self- realization of the individual in creative work. In the process of clarifying the concept of “ethnocultural competence” three levels of “ethnocultural competence” are distinguished: axiological, active, creative. The tasks of the experimental program are aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence. The tasks of the first stage of the program development are to raise the level of ethno-cultural awareness of students, the activity of immersion in the ethnocultural environment, the consolidation of knowledge and skills on the basics of composition using ethnocultural themes, based on ethnocultural patterns. The tasks of the second stage of the program implementation are creative interpretation, finding an individual author’s style, the author’s creative work on the basis of ethnostyle. These tasks are solved in the process of developing and implementing a corporate style based on ethnoculture. Ethnodesign is able to bring the creative beginning of the traditional culture into the modern living space. Keywords: ethnoculture, ethnocultural competence, Kulaysk culture, ethnodesign, corporate style | 1157 | ||||
2 | The article examines the evolution of design leadership: from industrial to graphic and media design, which is accompanied by an expansion of the design impact zone, from the solution of functional and aesthetic tasks in industrial design to the influence of design on the formation of the worldview today. The globalization of design possibilities increases the requirements for the designer’s professionalism. One of the significant components of the professionalism of the artist, designer is the color competence. Currently, color is an object of study in many disciplines that consider the patterns of color perception, color perception, color rendering, the formation of the ability to perceive and convey the color richness of the surrounding reality. However, the problem of the emotionally expressive function of color, the relationship of color and emotion, and the justification of the methodology for the formation of the colorist competence of future artists and designers remain less studied. The article presents the results of a formative experiment aimed at developing skills to use color as a means of creating an artistic image. As a result of the development of the pilot program, students demonstrate the ability to achieve consistency in the emotional content of the intention and expressive means of color composition. Keywords: design; coloristic competence; communicative, aesthetic, symbolic, emotional and expressive functions of color; artistic image | 1018 | ||||
3 | The questions of construction of color composition are considered. For the artist-designer, the most important sections of the science of color are the aesthetic side of color, harmony of color relationships, the beauty of color in the picture. As in the creative process there are two stages: 1) inspiration; 2) development of initial ideas, the formation of long-term activity skills, the task of art education is to teach the ways of professional activity. Competence in the field of designing color compositions is effectively formed in the development of harmony of thinking (based on the study of the theory of harmony) and fixing in practice ways of bringing color relations into harmony (professional activity). The relationship of intuition and scientific approach in artistic creativity is provided through the systematic development of figurative and creative abilities, a sense of harmony, harmony of thinking, and the development of concepts about harmony and its features: integrity as the main feature of harmony, unity of opposites, proportionality, balance, stability. Creative abilities include: the ability to accumulate, master the baggage of knowledge, what has already been created by mankind, and the ability to break the stereotype, the willingness to take a step in the unknown. Keywords: harmony, color harmony, color, integrity, contrast | 1246 | ||||
4 | Currently, there is a process of actualization of interest in ethnic roots, in native culture against the backdrop of a global trend – globalization. Ethnoculture is an important and effective means of educating and art education of a person. The principle of cultural diversity of education involves taking into account the characteristics of the native culture, using the possibilities of spiritual and material culture in the process of education and upbringing. It is especially important to consider the principle of cultural identity in the process of art education. The research problem arises from the contradiction between the presence of the pedagogical potential of ethnoculture and the insufficient development of educational programs aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence of students of creative specialties. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with the principle of cultural conformity, to develop and test in practice an educational program aimed at forming the ethnocultural competence of students of creative specialties: future artists, designers. A theoretical analysis of the literature made it possible to clarify the concept of ethnocultural competence, to identify three levels of ethnocultural competence as an integral characteristic of a person. Empirical research methods (studying the products of students’ activities, a pedagogical experiment) were used during the testing of a program aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence. The content of the program is based on the motives and language of ethnoculture, and the implementation of the program takes into account three levels of ethnocultural competence: axiological, active, creative, and also consists of three stages. Simultaneously with studying the basics of composition, students in theory and practice get acquainted with the symbols of Kulai culture in order to comprehend the language of visual images. As a result of mastering the first stage of the program, a value attitude to ethnoculture is formed (axiological level of ethnocompetence). The second stage is distinguished by artistic and practical activities with immersion in ethnic culture, interpretation of motives and language of ethnic culture. The third stage is the creative stage of acquiring the individual author’s style of an artist, designer working in ethno-cultural traditions. The processes of globalization contribute to a revival of interest in native culture, in ethnic culture. Today, the necessity and relevance of using educational potential of ethnic culture is obvious. In this regard, the development of educational programs aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence of students of creative specialties is of great importance. With the successful development of the program, students have the opportunity to reach the creative level of performing author’s graphic compositions and design projects. As part of the experimental activity, the content of the programs was clarified, didactic materials were developed, visual aids were systematized (samples of Kulai metal plastic in the form of tables, digital materials). A valuable didactic tool are the samples of the best works of students. Keywords: composition, graphic design, Kulai culture, ethnoculture, educational program, principle of cultural conformity | 1117 | ||||
5 | Introduction. Today, the quality of education is determined not by acquired knowledge, skills, but by the opportunities for developing the spiritual and creative potential of the personality of participants in the educational process. Rethinking the criteria for assessing the quality of education in Russian education at the beginning of the twenty-first century reveals the conditions conducive to the development of creative abilities of a person in pedagogy of art. Changing the criteria for the quality of education leads to changes in the goals of education, as well as determines the need for understanding the process and the results of pedagogical activity not only at the level of teaching methods for the subject, but at the level of general pedagogical approaches focused on personality development. The purpose of the study is to identify participants in the educational process in the process of teaching composition and color science, to develop and test in practice a series of tasks aimed at developing the personality of students. Material and methods. In the course of the study, we used a set of methods. The main theoretical provisions and conclusions of the study are based on the analysis, synthesis and systematization of material on the problem of goals and values of pedagogy of art, the development of creative abilities of a person. Empirical research methods (studying the products of students’ activities, a pedagogical experiment) were used during the testing of a series of tasks aimed at developing the personality of participants in the educational process. Results and discussion. The pedagogy of art determines the harmonious development and formation of the spiritual and creative personality of the participants in the educational process (student and teacher) as the goal and value of personality-oriented education. In pedagogy of art, a personality-oriented approach is important to combine with a semantic approach that focuses students on understanding the meaning, meaning of artistic expressiveness – learning the language of visual art. Conсlusion. The analysis of theoretical sources, as well as the results of testing tasks on the basics of composition and color science, revealed that the development of creative abilities of a person provides the following conditions: 1. The personal significance of the content of education, the value motives of learning. 2. Providing pedagogical support for the student’s personal development. 3. The combination of a personality-oriented approach with a semantic approach in teaching composition, color science. Keywords: art education, pedagogy of art, personality development, basics of composition, basics of color science, personality-oriented approach, semantic approach | 975 |