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1 | The article describes the conditions for the psychological-pedagogical accompanying of the didactic game of preschool children, which can be taken into account by educators of pre-school educational organizations. The concept of «didactic game» is a game specially created by the teacher for the purpose of education and training of children. Identified the types of didactic games: content (mathematical, speech, musical, natural history, to get acquainted with others), cognitive interest (intellectual, emotional, regulatory, creative, social), in the form of didactic material (games with objects and toys, printed games, verbal), by the nature of gaming action (games-travel; gamesassumptions; games-errands; games-puzzles; games-conversations). Describes the major structural components of the didactic game: didactic games and tasks, actions, rules, result, didactic material, as well as additional, optional, the story and the role. The basic stages of didactic game are: preparation for carrying out, carrying out and the analysis of game. The structure of the construct of didactic game is presented, which includes: formulation of the goals of the game (didactic and game), description of game actions, rules and result of the game. Thus, to the conditions of psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers’ didactic game, we relate, firstly, understanding the specifics of the structural components of the didactic game, such as: didactic and game tasks, game actions, rules, result, didactic material, plot and role; secondly, the ability to design (i.e. create a design of a didactic game, which includes: formulation of the goal of the game (didactic and game), description of the game action, rules and the result of the game); and organize didactic games: content, according to the cognitive interest, by the type of didactic material, by the nature of game actions, thirdly, analyzing the conducted didactic game. Keywords: didactic game, didactic task, game problem, didactic material, game actions, game rules, types of didactic games, construct of didactic game | 2010 |