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1 | The article is devoted to the study of the social and psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders, which can further determine the direction of remedialdevelopmental activities. On the example of preschool children with general and phoneticphonematic deficiency of speech, the specifics of relations in the family are shown, the need and the main motive in communicating with peers and parents are assessed, and behavioral problems that children demonstrate in group interaction are revealed. The study found that children with speech pathology have low need for communication with peers, group interaction is built on the basis of game motivation, and aggressiveness, egocentricity, conflicts and negativism are often shown. Children with speech disorders in comparison with children, who have normal speech development, demonstrate rejection of themselves and remoteness from both parents. They point out the low own significance in the family, attach great importance to people who are not part of the family. For children with speech disorders, the ambiguity and «blurriness» of moral representations, the uncertainty of moral emotions and feelings, the instability of relations, the «blurriness» of moral motivation are inherent. In decision-making they are often guided by selfish desires, rarely opting for the other. The indicated positions attest to the low level of adoption of moral principles in children with speech pathology. Keywords: children, children of senior preschool age, speech disorders, interpersonal relationships, behavioral problems | 3664 |