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1 | The article considers the relevance of the use of gaming modeling on sand in teaching creative narration as a variant of innovative technologies in corrective work with preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. The psychophysiological characteristics of connected speech in ontogenesis are given. The psychological and pedagogical features of the connected speech of preschool children with a general hypoplasia of speech are considered. The results of an experimental study of the connected speech of preschool children with a general underdevelopment of speech and modeling of speech therapy work are presented. Game modeling on the sand is presented as a new stimulus, serving to create a favorable emotional background, contributing to the inclusion in the work of conservation and activation of disturbed mental functions in the process of teaching creative storytelling through gaming modeling on the sand. The element of the game simulation is presented as a separate gaming device or a partial use of the didactic game in the educational process. The proposed technique provides opportunities for both verbal and non-verbal expression using a variety of subjects, sand, water and other materials. The use of gaming modeling on the sand allows to stabilize the psychoemotional state, improve coordination of movements, finger motility, stimulate the development of sensory-perceptual sphere, develop communication skills, connected speech, spatial orientation. Keywords: speech therapy correction, preschool children, innovative technologies, creative narration, general speech underdevelopment, game modeling on the sand, correctivedeveloping activities | 1361 | ||||
2 | The study focuses on current issues related to modeling and approbation of individual support for older preschool children with retarded mental development. The authors consider the implementation of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support on the basis of a private educational institution, substantiate the main principles of support taking into account the personified approach and describe a conceptual model. The conceptual model is represented by three interdependent units: the first unit of the service is focused on preschool children with disabilities, the second unit is aimed at advising the specialists of the private educational center for the purpose of further productive cooperation, the third unit is focused on providing assistance to families raising preschoolers with retarded mental development. The stages of individual psychological and pedagogical support in the conditions of the private educational center are singled out: motivational, diagnostic, indicative, activity orientated, reflective. The authors carried out psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of older preschool children with retarded mental development in order to identify the variability of individual manifestations. The material presents the results of complex neuropsychological diagnostics at the stages of ascertainment and control: the state of gnostic, praxic and mnestic functions of subjects is described, and a level-based characteristic is given. Due to the study, it becomes possible to analyze the structure of the defect of disturbed or delayed functions and select the optimal methods of corrective action, based on the patterns of interzonal interactions of the brain. With the experimental modeling of individual psychological and pedagogical support, the authors developed: a set of classes for older preschool children with retarded mental development, examples of notes from consultative talks, thematic planning of the parent lecture center. Besides, the role of the family in overcoming mental retardation is formulated and instruction booklets are issued. The article presents quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the psychological and pedagogical survey, formulates analytical conclusions. Keywords: preschool children with impaired mental function, individual psychological and pedagogical support, conceptual model of support, neuropsychological diagnostics, personified approach | 1129 | ||||
3 | The increase in the number of children with general speech underdevelopment and the increase in the current requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the effectiveness of literacy training make it possible to actualize the problem of preparing preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment to learn reading. The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the process of forming the functional basis of reading in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, which is based on the use of a polysensory approach. The influence of the use of the polysensory approach in the formation of the functional basis of reading in preschoolers with General underdevelopment of speech is investigated. The significance of the study is to supplement the theoretical ideas about the originality of speech and non-speech processes of teaching reading to children with general underdevelopment of speech. The expediency of an alternative approach to the training of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, including a polysensory approach, is substantiated. The speech therapy program is based on the polysensory approach in the formation of the functional basis of reading in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, using all units of reading and including work on the development of attention, visual perception, memory, phonemic hearing and speech. Keywords: functional basis of reading, polysensory approach, general underdevelopment of speech, neuropsychological examination, speech therapy examination | 1158 |