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1 | The article presents the results of designing a draft of a basic education program aligned with major 44.03.04 Professional education (in different fields) (bachelor’s degree) with the purpose of training teachers for the professional education system, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard applicable to a teacher in this field. The authors analyze outcomes of the work carried out in the interaction of scientists and teachers of a pedagogical university and specialists from the executive bodies of the public administration and regional professionals training organizations in the process of designing a new educational product. The academic practice under discussion has been implemented through the usage of a range of academic methods: methods of theoretical analysis, the focus group research method, the expert method, survey (interviewing), educational design. Prospects of realizing the presented results of project activities in the educational process at Tomsk State Pedagogical University are described, and their importance for the social and economic development of the region in the context of training for the professional education system. Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, professional education, professional standards of education, professional educational organization, educational design, polysubjective educational interaction | 1111 | ||||
2 | The turn of the XIX-XX century, as history shows, was the time to search for new forms, methods and ways of working with students. The term “author’s school”, which appeared in the scientific and pedagogical vocabulary since the late 1980s, means that a particular educational institution has some original pedagogical methods of teaching and education, a special program for the development of the school, a pedagogical concept developed by an individual teacher or a team of authors. During the reviewed period, the features of the new “author’s” school were inherent in some private educational institutions, both in the capital and abroad. The article considers the types of such educational institutions, the characteristic features of “new” type schools. The emergence of non-state schools of the new type was not limited to the metropolitan region. Private (non-state) educational institutions working all over Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can also be classified as “author’s”. The diversity of copyright schools of the late XIX - early XX century was due to the socio-economic development of the Russian Empire, the change of public priorities, the mood of liberal and democratic forces that support the emergence of new schools. The movement for “new” schools became the starting point of those changes in the public understanding of the importance of education, which served as an impetus to the humanization of Russian domestic pedagogy. Keywords: New schools, national pedagogy, West Siberian educational district | 940 | ||||
3 | The introduction of universal primary education in the activities of the State Duma of the Russian Empire was for a long time not under the attention of the researchers, and interest in the topic increased due to the restoration of parliamentary traditions and deep reform of the education system. Historical sources show that at the beginning of the XX century, this issue was probably the only one that did not cause disagreements between political parties. But it was never resolved because of the six years of discussions between the factions in the State Duma, the Duma and the Council of State, the Parliament and the Government on related issues – the mandatory or granting of the right to receive primary education, the amount of funding and the nature of the management of Ministerial and Church schools, the language of teaching in primary schools in areas with non-Russian populations, about the role of local governments in the development of school Affairs, and others. The First State Duma, owing to its short existence, was unable to consider the draft law on the introduction of universal primary education, the Second Duma began its work, but its early dissolution did not allow any significant decisions to be taken on the issue. The Third State Duma was the only one in the pre-revolutionary history of Russia that lasted a full term of office, and the results of its activities in the field of education gave it the name “Duma of national education”. More than 300 legislative initiatives in the field of science and education were considered, including 15 draft laws on primary education, and additional allocations for primary schools increased by almost 40 million rubles a year. But the bill passed by the Duma on the introduction of universal primary education did not pass in the State Council. The Deputies of the fourth convocation again discussed the content of the draft developed by the Third Duma. The main cause of the conflicts was the issue of parochial schools. The last time in the history of the Duma a bill was introduced by the Minister of Public Education, P. N. Ignatiev, on 28 August 1916, but the decision on it was never made. However, during the years of operation of the State Duma, unprecedented resources have been allocated for the development of primary education, the training of teachers, the salaries of teachers and the construction of new schools, and public spending on schools almost doubled. Keywords: universal primary education, primary education, primary schools, elementary schools, the State Duma, the Russian Empire | 971 | ||||
4 | In the objective processes of integration and unification in the field of education, each national system relies on the existing potential and accumulated domestic experience. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct and generalize the experience of the Far Eastern authorities in reforming teacher education and teacher training institutions during the Civil War. The main source for writing the work was archival materials stored in the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East. The Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government has repeatedly raised the issues of transformation of the teacher training system, but no substantive bill was adopted. Since 1919, Ministry of National Education of the government of A.V. Kolchak dealt with education, and this period is associated with the increased decentralization of management and the introduction of the institute of commissioners. Since the end of 1920, the regional governments operating in the Far East formed a policy towards pedagogical educational institutions under the influence of the ideas of the People’s Commissariat of Education. Regional authorities, despite their desire to democratize governance institutions, have not been able to overcome the inertia of accumulated problems in the field of education. The legislative activity of the Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government was ineffective and short-term. With the transition of the Far Eastern territories under the jurisdiction of local government bodies, regional departments of public education followed the path of reforming individual pedagogical educational institutions. On the path of the reform, the government of the Far Eastern Republic has moved a little further than the Siberian Government. The reforms were based on the soviet principles of school development. As the general crisis intensified, the local authorities took less and less into account the opinions of the professional pedagogical community, and more and more often the changes were of a prescriptive nature. As a result of ill-considered reconstructions of teachers’ institutes and seminaries, the system of teacher education that required reforms but was well-coordinated and developing, was destroyed, replaced with ineffective transitional and limited forms that cost significant organizational and financial efforts, and the planned reforms were not implemented properly. Keywords: history of teacher education in Siberia, educational reforms, Khabarovsk Teachers‘ Institute, Chita Institute of Public Education, Far Eastern State Pedagogical Academy named after Ushinsky, Khabarovsk Pedagogical Courses II, Civil war in the Far East | 743 | ||||
5 | Historical experience is the basis for carrying out modern educational reforms; therefore, problems of the history of education occupy a significant place in modern historical and historical-pedagogical research. In the historiography of the development of pedagogical education in Russia, two independent research traditions have been preserved for many years, the first of which was directed to the pre-revolutionary history of education, the second to the history of the Soviet school. As for the history of education during the revolution and the Civil War, there were practically no deep scientific works, especially in the regional context, until the end of the 20th century. In the first decades of Soviet power, in historiography, the attitude towards the problems of the development of education was directly related to ideological attitudes that presupposed a critical or exclusively negative attitude towards the pre-revolutionary legacy. Gradually, the erroneous opinion was confirmed that domestic pedagogical education began with the organization in the USSR of educational institutions of a new type – pedagogical institutes. In the 1950s – 1960s the history of pedagogical education was often considered as a separate area of scientific research, however, researchers focused on the achievements and innovations in the organization of Soviet education, completely disregarding objective data on the numerous borrowings of the People’s Commissariat of Education of policies, methods and techniques for managing the education system that developed in the pre-revolutionary period. When from the late 1960s researchers got the opportunity to access many, previously closed archives, the study of the history of teacher education has found a “second wind”. But only since the 1990s the dogmatic attitude to historical material from 1917 to the early 1930s is gradually disappearing, which was facilitated by a change in public attitudes, freedom of speech, and the availability of extensive historical materials to researchers. In the post- Soviet period, the question of the continuity of the pre-Soviet and Soviet history, including the history of education, acquired particular relevance. In recent decades, a significant number of publications have appeared in which the problems of teacher training in the region in the first decades of Soviet power are directly or as related. At the same time, in many modern publications there are inaccuracies in wording, erroneous facts that wander from work to work. Sometimes authors use a limited selection of sources, interpret the data too freely, which undoubtedly reduces the quality of scientific research. Analysis of scientific literature showed that scientific research, in a complex revealing the development processes in 1917 – early 1930s the strategy of modernizing the Soviet system of pedagogical education and its implementation in the regions is still insufficient. Attention is drawn to the complete absence of modern generalizing works on the history of teacher education in the context of the introduction of universal education in Siberia and the Far East. Keywords: historiography, history of pedagogical education, history of education in Siberia and in the Far East, analysis of historical literature, education during the Revolution and the Civil War | 692 | ||||
6 | In the first decades of Soviet power, the attitude to the problems of the development of education was directly related to the ideological guidelines for the rejection of the previous principles of the organization of education, including the obvious achievements of the pre-revolutionary school. The genesis of the Russian system of teacher education was largely due to the objectives of introducing universal education. At the state level, this problem was identified as early as the end of the 19th century, the decision to introduce universal primary education was made by the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the third convocation, but the implementation of the plan turned out to be possible only in the 1930s. In pre-revolutionary Russia, special pedagogical educational institutions worked in the system of the Ministry of Public Education - teacher’s institutes and seminaries. As a result of the Soviet reorganization of the system of teacher education, they were closed or transformed beyond recognition. The formation of a new educational system took place in the context of the revolution and the Civil War, which left its mark on the entire process, especially in Siberia and the Far East, which in June 1918 were outside the policy zone of the People’s Commissariat of Education. With the establishment of Soviet power in the region, a new wave of reorganization of pedagogical educational institutions began, which coincided with the period of «creative searches» of the People’s Commissariat for Education in matters of the structure of pedagogical education, the image of the Soviet «teacher – social worker», and teaching methods. The search for a new model of teacher training in the Soviet school against the backdrop of increased centralization of education management gradually led to the abandonment of experimental approaches to the organization of education. To a large extent, the experience of professional training of teachers was rethought and taken into account with certain adjustments in the content of education and upbringing of the future Soviet teacher. The program for the introduction of universal education in the USSR was carried out at an accelerated pace and was implemented in a short time, already in 1930–1934. in the USSR, universal compulsory education was introduced in rural areas in the amount of an elementary four-year school, and in cities and workers’ settlements – in the amount of a seven-year school. This required great efforts of the whole society and the state: in each regional center and, if there was such an opportunity, then on the basis of the former teacher’s seminaries and institutes, pedagogical institutes and technical schools, pedagogical courses of various levels and purposes were opened; significant financial and human resources have been allocated to create a network of teacher training institutions; the unification of the system of training of pedagogical personnel and the requirements for the qualification of a teacher was carried out. Keywords: history of education, history of teacher education in Siberia and the Far East, education during the years of the revolution and the Civil War, introduction of universal education, Soviet modernization of education | 479 |