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1 | This article discusses the problem of developing and implementing a model of third-age education aimed at developing their social competence. The issue of training people of third age is relevant and solved in the works of domestic and foreign research from the point of view of formation and development of certain competences in conditions of continuous education. The third age refers to the period after the termination of professional activity characterized by the continuation of an active lifestyle to reveal its potential and opportunities. Teaching people of third age is a process based on the fundamental provisions of andragogics, gerogogics, adapted to the individual, psychological and social characteristics of students. Aimed at the empowerment, adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people after retirement and termination of their professional activities. Which forms their social competence, as well as enabling them to develop effective strategies of adaptive behavior and learn to live in conditions of uncertainty. The methodological basis of this process is the personality-oriented, activity-oriented, axiological approach. The present study is based on a competency-based approach to the development of universal competences, which include social competence. The model developed and introduced into the educational process of the Higher People’s School is based on andragological and gerontological principles and includes four interrelated blocks: targeted, meaningful, organizational, and effective. A special place in the model is assigned to the program of social competence development. The programme consists of five modules that ensure the targeted development of all components of social competence. Third-age education is provided through formal and informal educational activities. The training process uses: traditional lectures with mandatory use of ICT technologies, problem lectures, conference lectures, binary lectures, seminar lectures, etc.; seminar lectures on which knowledge gained at lectures, abilities, skills and competences goes deep and systematized; practical exercises (testing, games, etc.); training occupations; conferences. The classes use individual and group forms of training; active, interactive, and visual learning methods. The program of training at the higher public school gives the chance to people of the third age to receive a certain level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences, to find confidence in their abilities and to realize the potential of physical, intellectual, educational resources and free time. The presented model implies realization of such psychological and pedagogical conditions in the course of education, which influence the effectiveness of the process of development of social competence in people of the third age. The implemented model of education has shown its effectiveness in the development of social competence of people of the third age and has contributed to socio-psychological adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people of the third age in modern dynamically developing conditions. Keywords: methodological basis of educating of people of the third age, competencybased approach, competenсe, competency, continuous education, higher public school, educating of people of the third age, social competence | 1041 | ||||
2 | The article examines the problem of developing and testing the complex of mnemonic techniques «Synesthete» within the framework of introducing the training course «Fundamentals of mnemonics» into the educational process of schools and universities. The problem of teaching mnemonic technicians is relevant for domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical science and educational practice, since the reproduction of a large amount of educational (scientific) information requires the use of students’ memory resources, and against the background of the existing shortage of special methods and techniques of memorization, this process becomes ineffective. The theoretical basis of the research is work in the field of neuropsychology, psychophysiology, neuropedagogy, neurodidactics. Particular attention is paid to the study of the phenomenon of synesthesia. The results of the use of this complex is the development of students – the ability and willingness to activate visual, auditory and kinesthetic memory in the perception, preservation, processing and reproduction of educational information. High results are achieved by students who are creative and create their own systems for more rational work of memory, based on taking into account their own neuropsychological characteristics – the modality of internal experience. The «Synesthete» complex complements and promotes the development of the main methods of mnemonics, such as: the method of associative connections; the method of «Places» for writing texts; eidotechnics; the method of memorizing numerical information and mathematical (chemical, physical) formulas, historical dates; the method of memorizing foreign words. Keywords: neuropsychology, neurodidactics, mnemonics, synesthesia, synesthetic abilities, modality of internal experience, students | 792 |