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1 | Recently, the problem of studying the socio-pedagogical adaptation of the individual has become very relevant. The meaning of this term, at first glance, seems quite obvious and understandable. But, in different sources this concept very often denotes different phenomena, which leads to a misunderstanding of each other by specialists whose research is actually aimed at the same thing. In our opinion, having examined the main approaches to the concept of “adaptation” as a whole, having studied the structure, criteria, mechanisms and features of this process, we can overcome these differences. Based on this, the article considers a number of approaches to the study of adaptation. Attention is paid to the works of famous scientists who are considering the studied concept at different functional levels. J. Piaget, G. Selye, and others studied the physiological approach. The psychological approach was reflected in the works of B. F. Berezin, N. F. Naumov, I. M. Popov, V. I. Lebedev, and many others. etc. And as part of the consideration of the most significant social level, we single out the studies of A. B. Georgievsky A. B. and V. P. Petlenko, M. Weber, T. Parson and M. Romm. Particular attention is paid to a systematic analysis of this problem (A. G. Maklakov, A. A. Rean, A. Nalchajyan, etc.), the phenomenon of personality socialization is considered (D. Dollard, Walter, T. Shibutani, O. I. Zotova, I. K. Kryazheva). As a result of the study, a structure of socio-pedagogical adaptation is proposed, based on the personality model of B. D. Parygin, consisting of three interconnected and detailed levels. Keywords: adaptation, personality, socio-psychological adaptation, socio-pedagogical adaptation, system analysis, physiological approach, psychological approach, social approach, personality model | 1133 | ||||
2 | The relevance of the article is due to the fact that recently there has been an increased interest in the topic of social and pedagogical adaptation of a person in a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic environment. The sphere of education, in spite of its conservatism, is also undergoing drastic changes and requires new approaches. In this regard, in our study, we study the role of extracurricular activities in the socio-pedagogical adaptation of cadets, since the conditions of education and living in a cadet boarding school differ significantly from ordinary general education schools. Also, it should be noted that the concept of “extracurricular activities” is given great attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. Therefore, the article discusses in detail the purpose, objectives, result of this type of activity, as well as the place in educational programs at different periods of time. Much attention is paid to the construction of individual programs for extracurricular activities. In our opinion, each form of extracurricular activity corresponds to certain individual and age characteristics of students. The article describes a comprehensive program that includes not only portfolio analysis, academic performance and conversation with parents, but also recommendations for a complete psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to identify the abilities of schoolchildren that will correspond to one or another form of extracurricular activities. The results show that this approach contributes to a more successful passage of the adaptation process. Keywords: adaptation, social and pedagogical adaptation, cadet school, extracurricular activities, Federal State Educational Standard | 882 |