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1 | The article defines and theoretically substantiates the factors of preparation of students of a pedagogical University to show care in the process of their future professional activity. As a result, it is determined that the process of preparing future teachers for caring includes internal and external factors, namely: the personal meaning of the knowledge acquired by students and the practical experience of humane interaction; the subjective experience of the individual; social and cognitive activity of students; the content of education, which includes knowledge of existential philosophy, humanistic pedagogy and psychology; organization of the educational process that models the social and subject content of future professional activities; creation of dialogical interaction between teachers and students. The relevance of the research is primarily due to the need to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of training future teachers to show care, the interpretation of which affects ethical, ontological and existential aspects. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that certain factors, on the one hand, can act as a methodological basis for building modern pedagogical research, and on the other hand, can be included in the practice of modern education in higher education. The article uses analytical and synthetic research methods. Keywords: preparation; future teachers; preparation factors; pedagogical care; professional activity | 910 | ||||
2 | The experimental work on the implementation of the model of formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care is described. The present model is represented by conceptually-targeted, organizational-content, procedural-technological and evaluative-effective components that are interrelated and structurally conditioned, which makes it possible to introduce the model into the educational practice of the university through the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed model is proved by the results of diagnostics of the level of readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care, obtained as a result of using methods of mathematical statistics. The results presented in this article allow us to solve the problem of the need to develop the problem of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care in the conditions of the modern educational paradigm, and also resolves the contradiction between the general prerequisites available in science for the development of a system for the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care, and insufficient scientific justification of the content and organization of this process. Keywords: pedagogical care, readiness for the manifestation of pedagogical care, model of formation of readiness for the manifestation of pedagogical care, professional training, experimental work, results | 422 |