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1 | The article raises the question of finding effective forms and means of overcoming the value disorientation of the younger generation. As a solution to this problem, the author proposes to use the volunteer resource of student youth, to attract future teachers to work with children’s associations of different ages at leisure and recreation sites. The content, purpose, objectives, methods and forms of interaction between volunteers and children at such sites determine the spiritual and moral orientation of their joint activities. To understand the specifics of such social practice, the author of the article presented the rationale for the peculiarities of educational activities of a spiritual and moral orientation, concretized the pedagogical goals and the result of this activity, taking into account possible restrictions, methods of selecting specific types and forms of interaction between children and volunteers, which allow initiating the spiritual efforts of pupils to self-analysis of activities and behavior, to motivate them to choose creative ways of self-realization. These theoretical propositions have been tested in practice and have proven their effectiveness within the framework of the “Guys from Our Yard” project, which has been implemented for five years by students of the Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Perm State National Research University. The materials proposed in the article can be used by volunteer associations, student pedagogical teams for organizing educational activities of a spiritual and moral orientation at leisure and recreation sites (or in working conditions with children’s associations of different ages at the place of residence). Keywords: spiritual and moral education, volunteering, educational activities at leisure and recreation sites, children’s association of different ages | 997 |