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1 | The problem of aggressive behavior has become the subject of extensive scientific and practical discussion. The article offers an analysis of individual aspects of the content of the phenomenon of aggression, highlights the features of teenage aggression. The results of a long-term study of the level of aggressiveness of adolescents and youth are presented. It is noted that violations in the sphere of interpersonal relations of adolescents play a priority role in the development of deviant behavior; communication forms a specific model of behavior, sometimes influencing the performance of actions that are not always constructive; the formation of positive communication skills is in the field of influence of subjects of educational practice and is the most important factor in preventing adolescent aggression. The authors point out that pedagogically expedient actions in terms of shaping positive development in adolescents is to optimize interactions between all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers, social partners). The main directions of pedagogical preventive work, from the point of view of the authors, are: taking into account the characteristics of the family of each teenager as a necessary condition for the effective work of a teacher; management of the classroom situation and monitoring the relationships of children, which makes it possible to prevent the manifestation of aggression in the group; ensuring safety in an educational institution through the formation of social and psychological comfort of students and teachers; projecting constructive models of peaceful settlement of conflicts through the media and the Internet; integrating children into the system of social ties both at school and outside, using social and educational technologies; purposeful educational influence on youth and work with the family in the direction of stable orientations on lawful behavior is considered as a significant factor in preventing aggression. Keywords: adolescents, aggression, communication, subjects of educational practice | 907 |