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1 | The content of the phenomenon of the search-oriented club association is presented on the basis of the historical and pedagogical analysis. The features of the search club as a form of social self-organization have been proved. The leading vectors of activity of this type of club are highlighted: work in archives with documents to search for maps of the area where hostilities were conducted, and directly search for the remains of Red Army soldiers who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War. Revealed and characterized educational practices implemented by the club of search orientation: creation and maintenance of the functioning of the Museum of Military Glory; assistance to war veterans and home front workers; improvement of monuments and steles dedicated to the Unknown Soldier; assistance in the improvement of fraternal graves. The importance for this type of children’s associations is emphasized as an exchange of experience and impressions between participants in the search movement, uniting the spiritual power of volunteers from different parts of our country, developing communication and mastering the attitude towards their Fatherland as a value one. In order to illustrate the implementation of the tasks of patriotic education of schoolchildren participating in search associations, the experience of D. M. Pyrkov, a teacherorganizer of life safety at the MAOU “School No. 55”, a veteran of military operations in the North Caucasus (Nizhny Novgorod) is described. Keywords: club association, patriotic education of school students, search movement, historical memory | 857 | ||||
2 | The article raises the problem of identifying the features of the personified approach in the pedagogical process of children and adults; on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the phenomenon of personification is characterized, its features are revealed. It is proved that personification in education as a pedagogical principle determines the possibility of selforganization of the personal educational space, as it is associated, first of all, with the maximum activity of the student. The main ways of personification in additional professional education for adults have been determined. The guidelines for organizing a personified educational process are presented: the perception of the educational situation by the teacherstudent of course training as a projective situation; providing the opportunity for teachers to make adjustments to the training program; focus of attention – on the personification of teaching, self-development, self-education of teachers; providing the possibility of individual consulting for teachers, experts and course curators in any format; availability of all educational on-line and off-line resources; the possibility of completing training courses and modules at a pace convenient for the student; organization of an informal educational environment and support in informal education; stimulating motivation for self-learning; actualization of the transition to problem- and project-oriented models of the formation of knowledge, skills and competencies; «Objectification» (and manifestation) of the personal learning outcomes of teachers. The interdependence of the experience of pedagogical personification and personification of the student is shown. Keywords: personification, personality, individuality, teaching staff development, selfimprovement, personalization, subjectivity | 1108 | ||||
3 | The article is devoted to the study of the experience of foreign countries in terms of organizing methodological support for young specialists in the educational sphere. Authors determined that the system of methodological support is a structural element of advanced training for teachers who begin their professional education and should take into account modern trends in the development of education, based on research on new pedagogical functions that arise in the context of informatization of education. The introduction of a new concept into the educational process entails a number of innovative transformations in the content of education, in rethinking new concepts, categories, values of thinking, changes in the role positions: mentor, teacher, tutor. A modern teacher is a specialist who carries out pedagogical activity taking into accounts the requirements of the time, constantly improving his professional competence, and his pedagogical activity is intellectual, creative activity aimed at teaching, upbringing and personal development. Every young teacher should be a professional in his activity, since the product of this activity should be a competitive graduate of an educational institution, endowed with key competencies. That is why young teachers, through an effective system of methodological support, must master a number of competencies produced by the experience of professionals with extensive experience in the practical application of knowledge and skills to ensure effective educational activities. Keywords: methodological support, young specialist, teacher, professional development of a teacher | 808 | ||||
4 | The question of the developing value of virtual reality technologies, the possibilities of their application at the level of primary general education is considered. The results of studying various studies on the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects of human activity in virtual reality (VR) are presented. The importance and necessity of introducing virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies for the digital transformation of the education sector is proved. An attempt is made to classify the means of virtual reality used in education based on the criteria of immersion and presence. The classification distinguishes types of virtual reality technologies according to: the degree of immersiveness; types of educational tasks; graphical user interface; graphical representation of users; interaction opportunities; features of representation of objects in virtual reality; used educational tools and technical specifications. Examples of the implementation of the immersive approach in general education are given: studying the influence of social configurations on the visual attention of students and the learning process in an immersive virtual reality classroom; the influence of text annotations in the class of immersive virtual reality on the ability to recall educational information, etc. The advantages of using VR in education for the development of educational and cognitive competence in primary school age are described: visibility, the ability to visualize complex and inaccessible knowledge, abstract concepts, involvement and interactivity, multimodality of perception, compatibility with distance learning and the possibility of gamification of the educational process. Positive ideas of practicing teachers in relation to the use of VR tools are revealed. Teachers are ready to introduce virtual reality tools into the educational process, however, there is an insufficient number of high-quality VR products that meet the thematic needs of subject teachers. Tasks for children were developed in 4 areas of development: value-semantic, cognitive, operational-activity; reflective-evaluative. Keywords: virtual reality, immersive approach in education, classification of virtual reality tools | 764 | ||||
5 | Digitalization of education allows accumulating new experience, improving the methodological support of the educational process and forming the methodological basis of digital didactics. The inclusion of virtual educational laboratories in the educational process is dictated by the peculiarities of the digital educational environment, but it faces some problems: insufficient security of the virtual educational environment due to the lack of technical regulations, lack of a unified methodological approach, imperfection of the regulatory framework. The authors of the study make an attempt to generalize and systematize the experience of introducing virtual educational laboratories into the school system. Approaches to the definition of the concept of “virtual laboratory” as a means and method of scientific knowledge, the main feature of which is the safety of interactive creative experimental activity, are analyzed. A classification of virtual laboratories according to multidimensionality, imitation, form of information presentation, freedom of cognitive creativity, modality of perception is proposed. The requirements for the visualization of objects in virtual educational laboratories are outlined, taking into account the leading (visual) channel of perception of modern schoolchildren. The educational opportunities and some risks of including the tactile channel of children’s perception when learning in virtual educational laboratories are considered. The types of processes that can be simulated in virtual laboratories are considered. A study was made of the effectiveness of identifying graphic objects of varying complexity by primary school students. On the basis of the data obtained, the principles of organizing training in virtual educational laboratories have been developed: the principle of imitation of reality, the principle of scientific character / reliability of data, the principle of a responsible attitude (ethics of training in virtual educational laboratories). Keywords: virtual educational laboratory, classification of virtual educational laboratories, identification of graphic objects by younger schoolchildren, functional literacy | 511 |