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1 | The paper considers the grammatical means used by speakers to indicate the source of information when organizing an utterance, the purpose of which is to transfer information received in communicative acts preceding a specific act of communication. It is shown that these grammatical means belonging to different language system divisions are not fully characterized in the methodological literature and, first of all, in the normative documents regulating the teaching of Russian to foreigners. Filling the gap existing in the applied description of the language system (its fragment) supposes it to be built on the language research by theoretical linguistics. To determine the place of grammatical means of indicating the source of information in the language system, the authors turn to the communicative grammar of G. A. Zolotova, to the concepts of “authorization” and “authorization means” proposed within this linguistic model. When considering the system of authorization means in the Russian language from the standpoint of theoretical linguistics, the objectives of their study and description in the linguodidactic aspect are formulated and scientifically substantiated. Linguodidactic conception of authorization means (not yet described satisfactorily in the methodological literature) based on the language system provides the basis for the most efficient presentation of this material to a foreign audience and for the learners’ success in acquiring this part of Russian grammar. Keywords: indication of the information source, authorization, modus frame, modus predicate, modus subject, teaching abstracting and reviewing | 844 |