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1 | The author defines the relevance of the study by the need to eliminate two types of contradictions in the educational process of higher education: 1) between the level of formation of the communicative competence of school graduates and the requirements for bachelor students; 2) between the need to introduce a competency-based approach and the lack of shared sense about the conceptual apparatus of the new paradigm, methodological means of its provision in relation to different competences and competencies. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological model of the formation of bachelor students’ communicative competence while studying the course “Speech culture of a speech pathologist” (based on the material of style differentiation of the language). The basis of the developed competence-based methodological model is the concept of classification of the material at all distinguished levels: formal, substantive, pragmatic, organizational and technological, evaluative and prognostic. The author reveals the content of each level and identifies the leading formed components of communicative competence for each of them: linguistic, discursive and stylistic, rhetorical and pragmatic, etiquette and speech. As a result, the author concludes about the importance of developing a competence-based methodological model in expanding the pedagogical tools of the competence-based approach. The researcher notes the possibility of using this model to increase the level of communicative competence of students not only in the course of teaching “Speech culture of a speech pathologist”, but in other disciplines of the linguistic cycle. The author points out that the developed model can help eliminate the identified contradictions in educational process. In conclusion, the researcher outlines the prospects for further research. Keywords: Communicative competence, educational model, educational model, characteristics of the educational model, functional and style differentiation of the language | 936 | ||||
2 | The study of the motives for choosing a teaching profession, the basic structure of the motivational sphere, including speech therapy students, the formation of a realistic idea of the future profession are a necessary condition for training specialists of the new era. Based on the analysis of students’ of full-time and part-time forms of study, from the 1st to the 4th years, motives, the authors identify «core» motives: moral (helping children); motives of a professional and pedagogical orientation (love for children); social (being in demand in the labor market), cognitive (self-realization and self-improvement), material (the possibility of private practice and part-time work) and utilitarian (short working day, long vacation). In the zone of the immediate periphery, social (social significance) and creative (creativity and versatility of the profession) motives turned out to be significant for both groups. Utilitarian motives in the peripheral zone (a separate office, the value of experience in the interests of the family), financial, prestigious (career growth) motives are more represented among students of part-time form of study. The authors analyzed the motives for choosing the profession «speech therapist» and the dynamics of formation of motivational processes from the standpoint of the psychological and pedagogical approach. Researchers have identified motivational criteria, scaling and ranking them using the theory of functional-semantic fields. The researchers identified the factors influencing the dynamics of formation of the motives for choosing a profession: awareness of the choice of a profession, immersion in the educational process, age, form of education. Keywords: educational and professional motivation of logopaedical students, motives for choosing a profession, motivational field, dynamics of educational and professional motivation of logopaedical students | 878 |