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1 | Smartphone addiction has become common, especially among young people. Previous studies have established a high prevalence of this addiction and the fact that the victims of this addiction experience suffering: from poor sleep quality (and even insomnia), depression, anxiety, stress, experience negative emotions, and are also characterized by a significant decrease in physical activity. The prevalence of smartphone addiction and its negative consequences dictate the need for a comprehensive study. The article examines the manifestations of the phenomenon of smartphone addiction in medical college students. It is shown that the psychological mechanism of the emergence of addictions is described by a general model of psychological impact. It was found that that smartphone addiction is positively associated with loneliness, aggressiveness, bad mood, with the female gender, and negatively – with communicative competence, persistence, self-control, self-regulation, as well as with age. The connections identified in the article with loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, and communicative competence generally correspond to the nature of the correlations established in foreign studies. New for both domestic and foreign studies are the negative links of dependence on smartphones with persistence and self-control revealed in the article. Based on the results of this study, recommendations were developed (based on the obtained empirical data) for college students to minimize the negative impact of smartphones on their mental and physical health. It is recommended in the process of educational work with students to explain the negative consequences of dependence on smartphones and the value of direct, live communication with their environment. Keywords: smartphone addiction, loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, communicative competence, persistence, self-control, mood, gender, age | 893 | ||||
2 | Smartphone addiction has become widespread in society. As a result of studying the personality traits and mental states of smartphone addicts, many negative consequences of this addiction have been identified that negatively affect the psychological well-being of its victims. The negative consequences of smartphone addiction (anxiety, depression, stress, dissatisfaction with life, etc.) contribute to the psychological distress of its victims. The purpose of the study is to identify in students, boys and girls, the alleged links between smartphone addiction and impulsivity, narcissism, lack of assertiveness, vulnerability to manipulation, dependence on social networks and its factors. Boys and girls have statistically significant relationships of smartphone addiction: positive - with impulsivity, addiction to social networks and all its factors («Psychological state», «Communication», «Receiving information») and negative - with assertiveness. Boys also have a positive relationship between smartphone addiction and sleep problems and negative relationships with narcissism and mood, while girls have a positive relationship with cravings for smoking. In girls, dependence on a smartphone is statistically significantly higher than dependence on a smartphone in boys. The “Loss of control” factor contributes to the greatest degree of dependence on the smartphone. The positive relationship between smartphone addiction and impulsivity and social media addiction is similar to the previously obtained foreign results. Established links between women and men depending on the smartphone with non-assertiveness and with all factors of dependence on social networks are new, both for domestic and foreign studies. The results obtained in this study can be used by curators, psychologists and social educators of the university to explain to students about the dangers of excessive smartphone use. The presence of a high degree of dependence on a smartphone may signal to these professionals the need to provide appropriate targeted assistance. Keywords: smartphone addiction, impulsivity, assertiveness, narcissism, social media addiction, vulnerability to manipulation, students, males, females | 795 | ||||
3 | The virtual space of modern youth includes social networks. Active participation in them leads to dependence on social networks, and it is associated with a number of manifestations of psychological distress. Therefore, the study of dependence on social networks is very important. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis about possible links between social media addiction and self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and style of behavior in conflict situations. The article found that the virtual space for a significant number of young Belarusians has already become preferred in communication, entertainment and work, and that boys and girls have negative associations of dependence on social networks with self-confidence and positive associations with dependence on smartphones and with all the factors that shape it. It is shown that it is psychological problems that are the main cause of dependence on social networks. The dependence of young men on social networks is negatively associated with social courage and positively with the “conflict avoidance” style. Boys and girls have completely different connections between social media addiction and emotional intelligence components. These results are new, since neither domestic nor foreign publications have been able to find reliable conclusions about the relationship of dependence on social networks with components of emotional intelligence and behavior in conflicts. The facts obtained testify to the negative impact of the new virtual reality on a number of important socio-psychological parameters of the personality of a modern young person. Keywords: virtual space, addiction to social networks, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, behavior in conflict situations, smartphone addiction, addiction factors, Belarusian boys and girls | 460 | ||||
4 | The relationship between smartphone addiction and psychological ill-being established in research prompted the introduction of a new construct – “problematic smartphone use.” This study tests the hypothesis of the relationship between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism, personality orientation, and communication skills. Data for the empirical study were collected through online testing of 713 respondents in Belarus and Russia, including 361 women and 350 men. The working hypothesis was confirmed: the study showed that problematic smartphone use is positively correlated with Machiavellianism, self-direction, dependent and aggressive behavior, and negatively with task focus, confident behavior and age. These conclusions about the connections between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism and types of behavior correspond to similar foreign results. The relationship between problematic smartphone use and personality orientation has not previously been studied. The practical significance of the results obtained includes their possible use in preventive work to prevent students from falling into a state of smartphone addiction. Keywords: problematic smartphone use, Machiavellianism, personality orientation, communication skills | 442 | ||||
5 | The study of self-control in communication is relevant due to the negative impact of excessive use of smartphones and social networks on “live” communication. At the same time, research actively uses the “Self-Control in Communication Scale” created 40 years ago by M. Snyder. With regard to longdeveloped methods, there is a belief that they need to be re-tested, since the answers of respondents today may differ significantly from the answers of their long-standing predecessors, on whose answers these questionnaires were created many years ago. The goal of reducing questionnaires is also relevant, since large questionnaires cause difficulties in collecting materials and worse quality of the responses received. The objectives of this study are: 1) to develop a reliable and valid shortened version of the Self-Control in Communication Questionnaire; 2) construction of a factor model of self-control in communication. Baseline data for the study were collected through an online survey of 1,911 respondents. As a result of the study, a short version of the social self-control questionnaire consisting of 8 questions was constructed. The short version of the questionnaire satisfies the basic criteria of validity and reliability and has better psychometric properties than its original version. A consistent two-factor model of self-control in communication has been constructed. Keywords: self-control questionnaire in communication, short version of the questionnaire, reliability, validity, factor model, psychometric characteristics | 490 | ||||
6 | The objectives of the study are to identify the relationships between problematic use of social networks and self-esteem, assertiveness, self-respect, life satisfaction and shyness. As a result, highly significant negative relationships between social network addiction in men and women and selfesteem, assertiveness, self-respect, life satisfaction and positive relationships with shyness and smartphone addiction were revealed in Belarusian society. It was shown that the self-confidence factor in men statistically significantly exceeds this factor in women, and the average values of the indicators of other factors in women are higher than similar indicators in men. The practical significance of the results of this study includes their use in explanatory work on the dangers of becoming addicted to social networks. Keywords: problematic use of social networks, assertiveness, life satisfaction, self-respect, selfesteem, shyness, smartphone addiction | 61 |