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1 | The article offers an analysis of the phenomena of distance and e-learning, presents the stages of the formation of the technology of the distance-organized educational process. The level of formation of ICT competencies of teachers, students of pedagogical universities, students of general educational organizations is analyzed. The issues of operational “online” and delayed “offline” support of teachers’ activities related to the implementation and participation in ICT projects within the framework of their own professional activities are considered. The work is based on real experience in implementing projects on the territory of the Altai Territory (2012–2018), including the experience of supporting projects and courses on the formation of ICT competencies, including models for organizing operational counseling for teachers using chat bots, specialized groups in social networks, sites with forums, etc. The issues of online support of the offline organized educational process of students are considered, which corresponds to the implementation and support of any subject course of study. This material is based on teaching experience during the quarantine period associated with the coronavirus epidemic. The article introduces the concepts of vertically and horizontally organized distributed support, discusses various ways and methods of implementing this support. The author’s technology of organizing distance courses for advanced training of teachers on the topic of ICT implementation in the educational process is described. It is indicated that when organizing support for remote and intramural-distance projects and courses, the most optimal is the use of a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication. Keywords: pedagogical support, pedagogical guidance, remote teaching technologies, online and offline communication | 823 |