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1 | The modern educational process of secondary school students is largely built on the basis of an activity-based and competence-based approach. One of the tasks of a modern teacher is the assimilation by students in the process of active learning for life of competencies. The analysis of their processes showed that it is still insufficiently studied, there are practically no practical examples of working with competencies. Sufficiently demanded for the development of students and building a useful life are regulatory and cognitive competence. These competencies can be actively formed in the process of teaching physics. The process of developing competencies becomes more effective, as the authors found, if it is built gradually. Formation begins with universal actions that are part of the competencies, which are for the majority identified. For preliminary formation, on the basis of practice, complex actions are highlighted - the student drawing up a plan of educational activity, its adjustment; formulation of causeand- effect relationships in phenomena, processes, reflexive action. The formation of actions is organized on the basis of the implementation by students in groups of mini-projects for the design of actions. An example of the formation of an element of regulatory competence is shown - the action of drawing up a plan for studying new material. Group work is guided based on the teacher’s questions to build the action. Then an intergroup discussion of the results of the work of the groups with the participation of the teacher is organized, and its adjustment. Initially built action, an element of competence is offered for development. With the help of the teacher, there is a reflexive comprehension of the activity of building the action and its appropriation. The development of elements of cognitive competence is built in a similar way. The presented methods of consistent active-activity, project-based formation of competencies are productive and can be widely used in education. Keywords: regulatory, cognitive competences, universal learning activities, project technology, teaching physics | 722 |