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1 | In the context of the introduction of the newly developed occupational standard for translators and the vitality of the modification of translator training curricula, the authors of the article discuss the diagnostic assessment used to evaluate students’ readiness for professional intercultural communication. It is used as an initial stage in the formation of professional intercultural strategic competency of translators. The abovementioned competency is defined in the article. The authors of the article are carrying out a research aimed at theoritizing and implementing a practice-oriented educational course devoted to developing professional intercultural strategic competency of translators. The main assessment tool at the diagnostic stage is a questionnaire incorporating elements of case-study method, comparing and contrasting, and reflecting analysis. Consisting of six parts, the questionnaire is aligned to the structure of professional intercultural strategic competency and the requirements of the national educational and the occupational standard. Each part features conclusion of high didactic value since it could be used as methodological guidelines for development of educational courses and handbooks on professional intercultural communication identifying further learning objectives. At the end there is a summative evaluation based on learner-supplied evidence with associated statistics. The materials may be used for the further theoretical backgrounding and development of the professional competencies of translators. Keywords: translator training, professional intercultural strategic communication, linguistic education, competency level diagnostics, ordinary consciousness, intercultural communication, crosscultural analysis, occupational standard of a translator | 582 | ||||
2 | The issue of the development of mentoring, the system for managing the movement of mentoring in the pedagogical sphere, the dissemination of its forms in the system of general education is being updated. The aim of the study is to determine the essential characteristics of the mentoring phenomenon, various forms of mentoring in the Soviet period. The research methodology includes the analysis of domestic and foreign pedagogical scientific literature on the forms of mentoring, content analysis, generalization and systematization of data. Research results. The content analysis of the definitions of the concept of “mentoring” in the educational sphere is presented. The essential characteristics of mentoring are singled out, the functions of mentoring are disclosed: information, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, research. The features of pedagogical mentoring in the Soviet period are revealed in order to enrich the experience of organizing pedagogical guidance for the professional development of young teachers. The essential characteristics of the varieties of mentoring forms are revealed. A comparison of the main components of the mentoring system in the Soviet and modern periods is presented: organization of the mentoring system; forms and methods of work with mentors; forms of transferring the experience of mentors. It is concluded that it is necessary to further develop the system for managing the mentoring movement in the pedagogical sphere, develop a unified approach to the development of fundamental documents on mentoring, and further develop the content and forms of work of mentors in pedagogical science. Keywords: the conceptual apparatus of “mentoring”, functions of mentoring, organizational forms of mentoring, methods of mentoring, general education | 616 |