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1 | Today, each enterprise is a unique system, the effective and high-quality functioning of which depends on the coherence in the work of all its elements. According to a number of psychologists and researchers in the field of management, such functioning is more determined by both the level of professional competence of employees of the enterprise and their motivational attitudes for professional activities. In this regard, one of the main tasks of the head is the understanding of the motivational sphere of employees and the features of its formation in order to build effective interaction and management with a prospect of further increase in labor productivity and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. To identify the features of the motivation of professional activity of employees of enterprises, 2 methods were used: the questionnaire “Motivation of professional activity” by K. Zamfira (modified by A.A. Rean) allows you to determine the structure of the motivational complex of the personality and the questionnaire of I.G. Kokurina “Dictionary”, which allows diagnosing the semantic orientations of employees of enterprises, as well as identifying the semantic motives of professional activity. Diagnostic tools are due to the peculiarity of enterprises and the possibility of a comprehensive study of the motivation for professional activities of their employees. The study involved 126 employees of Belgorod enterprises. In order to identify the dynamics of changes in the types of motivation and content motives of the professional activities of enterprises, depending on the length of service, we divided the sample into 5 groups: 1 group consisted of employees whose professional experience is less than 5 years, 2 groups - employees with experience from 5 to 10 years , 3 groups - employees with experience from 10 to 15 years, 4 groups - employees with experience from 15 to 20 years, 5 groups - employees with experience over 20 years. During the study, it was revealed that most employees of enterprises are dominated by external positive motivation and resulting orientation towards professional activities. The results of a comparative analysis made it possible to conclude that there are differences in the types of motivation and types of semantic orientation of employees depending on the experience of professional activity, namely: the more experience, the more pronounced the internal motivation over external and procedural orientation over the resulting. Keywords: motivation of professional activity, internal motivation, external positive motivation, external negative motivation, semantic orientation of employees, procedural orientation of employees | 600 | ||||
2 | The transformations taking place in modern society make the content of any professional activity more and more complicated every year, which leads to changes in the business environment of the organization and, above all, in interpersonal communication and relationships between its employees. Formation of effective communication and interaction skills is an important and necessary condition for the development of each employee of the organization today. Those employees who can develop emotional intelligence at a high level, i.e. learn to regulate their emotional states, understand the emotions and feelings of the people around them and focus on them in the process of interaction, will be able to effectively achieve their goals and be successful in their field of activity. The authors suggested that: 1) representatives of different types of professions have their own characteristics of emotional intelligence, 2) the specifics of a person’s professional activity will influence the nature of the connections between indicators of emotional intelligence and self-attitude. The study was conducted on the basis of centers providing psychological assistance, design agencies and companies in the field of promoting modern information technologies in Belgorod. The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire by K. Barchard (adapted by G.G. Knyazev et al.) and the Self-Attitude Test Questionnaire by V.V. Stolin and S.R. Panteleev were used as diagnostic tools. 32 psychologists engaged in private practice, 27 interior designers creating design projects for residential and office premises, and 34 IT-specialists developing and implementing software products participated in the testing. The data obtained during the study and their analysis allowed us to conclude that the level of development of emotional intelligence and almost all its indicators prevails among psychologists. It was established that the nature of the relationships between the indicators of emotional intelligence and self-attitude is influenced by the specifics of the professional activity of each sample under consideration. Keywords: emotional intelligence, self-attitude, psychologists, interior designers, IT-specialists, expressiveness, empathy, compassion, auto-sympathy, self-interest, self-acceptance, self-blame | 317 |