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1 | The currency of the survey is occasioned by the fact that consideration of the professional thinking as a resource, demands widening of apprehension of it as a metasystem, which includes cognitive, metacognitive, personal and resourceful and behavioral components. The data of the research of professional thinking of preschool teachers (n = 70), supported by a metasystem approach, has been presented in the article. The peculiarities of structural-level organization of pedagogical professional thinking on a systemic level have been defined: it has been concluded that teachers, who work with preschool children, represent all the levels of professional thinking, simultaneously they more often make situational decisions with suprasituational direction (in 1/3 of cases) and exactly this level has been characterized as more organized structurally compared to others. The similarities and differences of professional thinking depending on specialization and location of a preschool educational establishment have been evolved (partially in the qualities of suprasituational thinking and metacognitive characteristics). It has been established that there is a partial connection between components-subsystems of professional pedagogical thinking: the suprasituational level of thinking is related to self-actualization, self-management and self-interest involve behavioral flexibility and creative solutions of problem situations, self-confidence is positively combined with metacognitive characteristics and comprehensiveness of analysis of a problem situation. The conception of potential of professional thinking, new for psychological and pedagogical science, has been suggested. The results obtained can be used in preschool education towards achieving performance indicators of educational activities. Keywords: professional pedagogical thinking, cognitive, metacognitive and personal peculiarities, preschool teachers, potential of thinking, structural-level organization of thinking, metasystem approach | 504 |