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1 | The article is devoted to the problem of development of the pedagogical system of a modern kindergarten in the context of openness and innovation. The synergistic effects of interaction with partner organizations are considered - improving the quality of education, the level of professional development of teachers. The essential characteristics of the concept of «open pedagogical system of a preschool educational institution» and its components are presented: the content of education, the role and functions of a teacher, an innovative educational environment, as well as a study of the readiness of teachers to create an innovative educational environment, building an educational process that takes into account the views, initiatives of the child, and the parent is included as a co-teacher and an equal participant in the activity. The material was a survey among educators of MADOU № 13 in Tomsk, educators-listeners of advanced training courses «Modern technologies in the professional activities of an educator» as part of the implementation of an additional professional program on the basis of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College, 3rd year students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College studying in the specialty «Preschool education» with the qualification «Educator of preschool children». The results of diagnostic work to identify the difficulties of educators in working in an open pedagogical system became the starting point in the development of a modular program for the development of a teacher-educator, including progressively more complex educational tasks and an action plan to eliminate the deficits of a particular teacher. The article emphasizes the importance of new trends in the development of a modern kindergarten, associated with the revision of the system of preschool education. It is concluded that only a dynamic open pedagogical system of a modern preschool institution is capable of ensuring harmonious education and diversified development of the child’s personality. Keywords: kindergarten, preschool, development of professional competencies, intellectual education, open pedagogical system, components of an open pedagogical system, preschool education, innovative educational environment, individualization of educational activities | 473 |