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1 | Bridging the chronological gap between the past and the present is an urgent condition for the process of didactic tradition of the new educational discipline «Russian Language and Business Communication.» At the same time, the correlation of the substantive and methodological content of this educational discipline with the historical and didactic continuity implies a direct appeal to the historical conditions that objectified genesis and the consolidation of the educational and business epistolographic tradition in domestic didactic practice. A comprehensive analysis of the situational changes caused in the second half of the 17th century by the beginning of the processes of forming a regular state, carried out within the framework of historical, anthropological and sociocognitive approaches, made it possible to distinguish a number of significant grounds that caused the appearance of handwritten alphabet copy-books with exemplary business letter-writers. The appearance and subsequent spread of this type of alphabet-books is a marker significant documentary fact of mental-cognitive recodification of public consciousness from the totality of sacred-religious meanings to the parallelism of divine providence and secular-business semantics, when reliance on divine justice was coupled with the need to follow within the given framework of administrative-bureaucratic accordance. The results achieved during the study make it possible to assert that the process of forming a domestic educational and business epistolographic tradition initially had a situationally objectified and autochthonously specified character, thereby defining its specific features, namely utilitarianism, prescriptivity and didactic pragmatism. At the same time, the very fact of the spread of the educational and business epistolographic tradition, which, in fact, was an option of the didactic mediation of the supra-chiefdom principle of the «sovereign» service, the practical grounds for positive inclusion in the unfolding processes of forming a regular state were set up. Keywords: alphabet copy-books, exemplary business letter-writers, literacy training, prescriptiveepistological approach | 417 |