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1 | The issue of resocialization of convicts is becoming more and more important. In this regard, the main objectives of institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are correction and prevention of committing new crimes by both convicts and other persons. Since the process of correction is directly related to the educational impact on convicts, there is a high need for a proper level of professional and pedagogical competence of the staff serving in institutions and bodies of the penal correction system. Professional competence implies the presence of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. In order to form the necessary competence of the staff of penal institutions and bodies, educational institutions of the Federal Penal Correction Service of Russia provide training for the staff newly recruited to the penal correctional system, cadets, as well as penal correctional system staff undergoing training under additional training and requalification programs in order to implement proper and effective work with inmates. The effectiveness of the training is conditioned by the conduct of varied classes with students, the use of various methods and forms of lectures, seminars and practical classes. During the disclosure of the topic, the author provides positive dynamics of accumulation of professional competencies of the staff, associated with the improvement of the organization of practical training for cadets. In the course of analyzing the empirical materials, the author found out that the learning process in the group under study has become more meaningful due to the updating of the tasks for the training of cadets. Keywords: educational process, teachers, professional competence, educational work, cadets, types of practical training | 449 |