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1 | Adolescence is a critical age for developing one’s own idea of social-normative assessment. This occurs in the correlation of the emerging system of one’s own assessments with different social contexts and the self-attitude of a maturing person. In line with the new direction of research on gender socialization in a transitive society, the question of the specifics of this relationship among adolescents of different sexes is of particular interest. In the corresponding study with the participation of Krasnoyarsk teenagers (N=145), the following were used: the author’s “Questionnaire of Evaluative Ideas”, “Self-Attitude Questionnaire” by V. V. Stolina, S. R. Pantileeva, “Self-Concept Scale for Children” (methodology of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale by E. Pierce and D. Harris, adapted by A. M. Prikhozhan). Correlation analysis of the data showed that the connection between evaluative ideas and characteristics of self-attitude in samples of girls and boys has common and distinctive features. Common ones include the connection with a positive self-attitude of the prosocial nature of one’s own assessments and the perceived assessments of friends, as well as the greater tolerance, according to adolescents, of assessments by parents and other adults of anti- and antisocial actions. Specific features include a significantly wider range of connections between evaluative ideas and self-attitude in the sample of girls and a different structure of distribution of these connections among adolescents of different sexes. For girls, the greatest number of significant connections with the characteristics of selfattitude have assessments of manifestations of social success, for boys - assessments of compliance of behavioral manifestations with ethical requirements. As well as a large number of connections between approving assessments and self-attitude, manifestations of honesty stand out in girls, and balanced behavior in situations of disagreement in boys. Keywords: teenagers, ideas, self-attitude, gender characteristics | 558 |