Discusses the concept of “pedagogical style of teaching vocal”. This term is understood by the author as vocal and educational complex that includes: professionally important qualities that characterizes vocal and pedagogical activity; personal qualities and character of the communication of the teacher with students; practical methods that reflect the specifics of singing activity (concentric method, phonetic method, explanatory and illustrative method in combination with the reproductive method of the internal singing (singing on the view), the method of comparative analysis). Describes the progress and diagnostic analysis of this concept in the University on the basis of the application of different methods and techniques: observation of practice, diagnostic techniques, survey of teachers and students. Supervision of the teachers of the vocals is represented in two interrelated aspects: interpersonal, reflecting the style of communication with students: functional business, identifying vocal teaching methods and peculiarities of organization of educational process in the classroom of the teacher-musician. On the basis of generalization of the research results revealed the most effective vocal teaching style in a higher educational institution.
Keywords: pedagogical style of teaching vocal, diagnostics, diagnostic techniques, methods and techniques of vocal teaching
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 51 — 58
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