The article presents the concept of innovative development as a process and the result of the participation of the teacher in the innovation as an activity to change educational practices in the school. Considered different approaches to the management of innovation at school: technological, economic, design, synergy, humanitarian. A comparative analysis of different management approaches found that only a humanitarian approach provides a semantic communication of educators and personal involvement of everyone in the creation, implementation and dissemination of innovations. A humanitarian management focuses on the subject and creates conditions for joint activities, supports initiatives of all participants. The necessity of meaning-communication in the pedagogical community, during which teachers make out the meaning of their participation in innovation. Teachers need interaction, which will give an opportunity to expand the scope of its innovation, and will enrich it with the interchange.
Keywords: innovative teacher development, innovation, educational innovation, innovation management, management approaches
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 65 — 72
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