The article focuses on features of the commercialization of educational developments in a humanitarian university. The author analyzes success stories and sources of difficulties faced by humanitarian (educational) institutions of higher education in the process of the developments transfer. The experience of TSPU office of commercialization of educational, scientific and technological developments in commercializing innovative educational developments is considered. The models of commercializing innovative educational projects are presented – the conclusion of the publishing license contract for objects of intellectual property, applied researches by request of the organizations of real sector of economy, the transaction on license contracts, creation of the small innovative enterprise on the basis of objects of intellectual property of higher education institution. The importance of organizing system work for providing the full innovation cycle – from idea to implementation is underlined.
Keywords: commercialization, innovation in education, innovative educational development, intellectual property, small innovative enterprise, commercialization model
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 81 — 89
Downloads: 1298