The article considers the issues of contemporary education and its regionalization. It gives the characteristics to the notion of region which includes structural components: territory, population, economy, administrative and political self-identity. The work gives the definition to the term “regionalization”, elicit the peculiarities of the regional educational system at the current stage: computerization and telecommunication, complemented by traditional information technologies, development and establishment of the market mechanisms of educational services, globality and lifelong education. Defines the regional educational system as a system object and displays its characteristic features, organizational principles. The authors justify attributes and requirements to the regional educational system sustainability. The diversity of an educational system is considered to be the essential prerequisite of its sustainability and stability.
Keywords: region, regionalization, regional educational systems’ special features, educational systems sustainability, stability margin, system approach
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 102 — 110
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