The article is written in memory of the Teacher and Scientist – Efim Grigorievich Osovskiy – an associate member to Russian academy of education, academician of International pedagogical academy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, honoured worker of science of the Republic of Mordovia, brilliant teacher and mentor. The author, the pupil of the scientist, recalls about scientific and life lessons of Efim Grigorievich. The value of the article is in the address to the problem of personal samples in the searching for their own way in life and science. Aside from biographic information about E. G. Osovskiy and about directions of his scientific activity, the article presents some ideas and expressions of the outstanding teacher, which scientists and future scientists may take note of.
Keywords: Efim Grigorievich Osovskiy, teacher, scientist, person, personal formation, science, value of personality
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 81 — 86
Downloads: 1894