The article considers some aspects of the innovative preparation of competitive teachers. Based on the analysis and synthesis of definitions of “competitiveness”, “competitive specialist” defined the structure of competitiveness and its components (paradigmatic, prognostic, information and meaningful, operationally-activity, motivational and value, emotional and volitional) systematized basic principles that shape the competitive person (cooperation, individually-personal orientation of training, the formation of a positive self-concept). The results of diagnostics of undergraduates and teachers to identify their susceptibility to innovations, motivational readiness of the teaching staff to the development of novations and barriers that prevent from the development of innovation. Describes the program of training a competitive teacher, which presents the purpose, content and expected results. The program identifies three stages of training: reflexive and analytical, conceptual and organizational and technological projecting.
Keywords: competitiveness, competitive specialist, innovative activity
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 32
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