The article considers the possibility of educational activities for the socialization of primary school pupils with disabilities at secondary school. The interaction of concepts, revealing the main approaches to the consideration of socialization was analysed. Presents methods of socialization that integrates target, organizational, program and methodical, technological and diagnostic conditions of educational activity. Provides the results of the study on the socialization of primary school students with disabilities by means of educational activities. Revealed substantial aspects of the academic component and life expertise. Presented social and adaptive capacities of the conditions of primary general education. Shows the structure of learning activities for individual and group work, presenting options for individual students' achievements. Presents evaluation methods and levels of socialization of students with disabilities at different stages of the experiment. Shows the observed in the experiment, educational and training effects.
Keywords: terms of socialization, students with disabilities, primary general education, social adaptation, individualization, educational activity, the structure of educational tasks
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 83 — 91
Downloads: 1141