The current article reflects the results of migration processes in modern Russia. The role of the Russian language in education in a poly-ethnic school is defined. The following concepts are disclosed: poly-ethnic school, poly-ethnic class, and pupil-inophone. Provides the results of the tests on the Russian language of pupils-inophones for determination of the level of development of skills of different types of speech activity. Defines a number of common mistakes of pupils-inophones, studying at primary school. Defined the directions of work in poly-ethnic classes which will help to pass the difficulties of teaching poly-lingual students and will lead to social adaptation of children-migrants. The examples of use of the methodological textbooks materials for overcoming the common mistakes of pupils-inophones, studying iat a primary school, as part of the EMC “Prospective elementary school”. Some recommendations are offered to the teachers for the organization of effective educational work and extracurricular activities to overcome the problems of teaching younger pupils in a poly-ethnic class.
Keywords: poly-ethnic class, children-migrants, inophones, speech form, social adaptation, individual approach, active forms of learning, different levels assignments
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 92 — 100
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