The article is devoted to the diagnosing the problem of the educational results in a modern primary school realizing a new Federal Educational Standard. The diagnosing approaches are changing, because the education model develops from knowledge to competences. The group of educational results as training, universal and personal(s) must be developed according to the new Federal Educational Standard requirements for an up-to-date primary school. These approaches provide the quality management system development with the use of the external assessment mechanism. Based on the experience of innovative school the author describes the worksheets in the field of training and universal results monitoring (subject “Mother tongue”). Thus, the interrelation and mutual influence of these actions are exаmined. In addition, the teachers’ involvement in joint activity for adjustment and analysis of diagnostic materials and their performance is the key to the education quality increasing.
Keywords: educational results, diagnostics of universal educational actions, selfcheck, external assessment
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 78 — 82
Downloads: 1225