Socio-economic development of Russia in the next decade is associated with labor market demand for skilled workers and mid-level professionals who have professional competence. The task of preparation of cadres is put before professional educational community in secondary vocational education. Modern Russian business in the production of clothing and articles of textile materials reveals a significant shortage of skilled workers and demonstrates the high level of interest in their preparation. Multilevel system of Russian professional education is in the process of modernization, so the development and establishment of the educational process is considered in terms of implementation and realization of the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education based on the competence. Competence approach to the programs of vocational training of students in secondary vocational education allows to respond quickly to the emergence of new professions and qualifications in demand, introduce new educational modules concerning the development of modern service and design technologies, providing anticipatory vocational education. To address this challenge were identified the opportunities for effective professional development of the future designer in the educational process of Modern College. On the example of Tomsk college of design and service identifies the problems of continuity of general and vocational education in the context of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of contingent of students, considers the possibility of the effective implementation of modular training of students majoring 072501 «Design» and the creation of pedagogical conditions for motivating students to design and creative design activity and the formation of professional competence of the future specialist.
Keywords: structure of vocational education, the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education, continuing education, quality of education, competence approach, modular training, holistic pedagogical process, psycho-educational learning envir
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 62 — 68
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