The article is devoted to analytical survey of monographic studies made by the teachers of Tomsk State Pedagogical University on the problems of historical development of historical development of general and additional education in the central Russia and Siberia territories. A distinctive feature of these studies is that they represent the historical experience of the teachers’ seminaries, institutes, schools, the first pre-revolutionary institutions of additional education: summer recreation colonies – the prototype of modern children’s camps; School-Manezh as a precursor to the modern art centers of children and youth. The experience of these institutions from the modern point of view is innovative in teacher training, according to the forms of organization, content and methods of educational work with children, teenagers and students. The monographs show the successive connection of pedagogical ideas of the past with the demands of modern society.
Keywords: pedagogical ideas, innovative experience, staff problem, social initiative, charity
1. Voytekhovskaya М. P. Formirovaniye rossiyskoy modeli pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya I podgotovka pedagogicheskikh kadrov v Zapadnoy Sibiri v XIX – nachale XX vv. [Formation of Russian pedagogical education model and preparing the teacher staff in West-Siberian in XIX – beginning XX centures]. Tomsk, Izd-vo TGPU Publ., 2011. 312 p. (in Russian).
2. Lobanov V. V., Revyakina V. I. Pedagogika doktora Pirusskogo: novatorskiye opity ozdorovitel’no-obrazovatel’noy raboti v Sibiri kontsa XIX – nachala XX vv. [Pedagogy of doctor Pirussky: the innovative experiments of recreational and educational activities in Siberia of late XIX –early XX centuries]. Tomsk, Izd-vo TGPU Publ., 2013. 202 p. (in Russian).
3. Lobanov V. V. Pedagogika vozhatogo Pirozhkova: iz istorii Tomskogo gorodskogo pionerskogo shtaba (1969–1989) [Pedagogy of young pioneer leader Pirozhkov: from the history of municipal headquarters (1969–1989)]. Tomsk, Izd-vo TGPU Publ., 2015. 226 p. (in Russian).
4. Revyakin Yu. T., Revyakina V. I., Vakurin A. N. Fizicheskaya kul’tura i sport v Tomskom gosudarstvennom pedagogicheskom universitete [Physical culture and sport in Tomsk state pedagogical university]. Tomsk, Izd-vo TGPU Publ., 2014. 376 p. (in Russian).
Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 95 — 102
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