The article represents the results of the empirical research conducted to examine the relationship between psychological personality characteristics and the specificity of the choice of coping strategies as a phenomenon of a person’s ability to cope. The subject of the study is the eleventh grade students of secondary schools. This is a category of people affected in a given time period by the stress of upcoming final exams and who need to improve and correct their ways of coping. To achieve this goal a relationship between personality characteristics and choice of coping strategies was established. Which aided in understanding the severity of personality properties of high school graduates and their preferred coping strategies. The study revealed that extrovert students with a high rate of reaction are choosing effective behavioral and emotional coping strategies but ineffective cognitive coping strategies. At the same time students with a high degree of rigor are choosing ineffective behavioral coping strategies. Thus, the correlation between some psychological (psychodynamic) personality characteristics and the choice of coping strategies was revealed.
Keywords: tress, coping strategies, psychodynamic personality traits
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 38 — 44
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