The article discloses the resource of additional professional training, particularly the training programs in solving problems of human resource development in early childhood education at the regional level. Explains the necessity of the development of pre-school teachers’ professional self-concept in the process of professional retraining in the context of achieving such characteristic of its quality as acme-oriented. Shows the relevant educational experience of TSPU. Presents and interprets empirical data associated with the development of professional self-concept of pre-school teachers in Tomsk. Empirical data were obtained using the method of the survey (questionnaires, interviews) and the method of analysis of the products activities (essay).
Keywords: professional development of the teacher, pre-school teacher, professional self-concept, retraining, acme-effects of andragogical programs
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 45 — 52
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