The characteristics of a professional and his activity consists of examining a person as an integrated structure, i. e. it is important to know his individual and psychological characteristics, as well as his socially oriented, activity-oriented or subjective personalityoriented direction. In the process of professional formation at each stage, from the moment of self-determination, during the profession choice period and up to the professional formation, as well as changing profession, one must take into account the structural components of his personality and his characteristics as the subject of activity – the internal components of the professionality system organization. Along with this, it is important to identify psychological conditions of professional activity, ensuring its successful development and implementation. Thus, the activity of a professional who is considered to be the subject of this activity involves considering the internal (psychological) conditions.
Keywords: activities, professional, professional activity, consciousness, personality
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 21 — 25
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