The article describes Z. Freud’s concept, who proposed the structural theory of personality. According to the concepts of Freudism and classical psychoanalysis, a personality is a collisional unity of three intersubjective fields: «it-ego», «ego», «super-ego». The content and relationships of them explain the unique character of personality. Z. Freud’s perception of dual (social-biological) and in consequence argumentative psyche subjectivity characterizes psychological mechanisms of intrapersonal conflicts and shows their dynamical characteristics. This article was prepared on the basis of the analysis of a large number of works of Z. Freud’s (as written in the original language, and translated into Russian). The article is of interest to professionals with an interest in classical psychoanalysis.
Keywords: psychology, methodology, system, structure, personality, intrapersonal conflict, Freudism, classical psychoanalysis
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 20
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