This article describes the popular forms of children familiarizing to research work, such as scientific societies of students and children’s scientific conferences. This article contains an overview of the historical development of these forms and fragments from a survey of experts. Gives theoretical and practical recommendations concerning preparation of children’s conferences, organization and holding of these sections. Provides the results of the analysis of the history and status of children’s scientific conferences in relation to the author’s own practical experience in advising children’s section of scientific and practical conference. The study found that the efficiency of conferences in the field of vocational guidance is connected with the need to improve the quality of reporting, strict observance of regulations and providing an obligatory reflection. The instructions on how to resolve these problems make the material useful for teachers conducting children’s scientific conferences.
Keywords: children’s scientific conference, scientific society of students, vocational guidance, experimental research work
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 145 — 151
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