The form of placement of orphans and children left without the parental care into temporary families is developing in modern Russian society. The main task for the temporary family is to provide a child with a successful socialization into society and also to help with a harmonious development in the family. The willingness of a temporary family to become successful lies not only in the need of interpretation of this concept in the social, cultural, historical, economic space of modern Russia, but also in determining its place in the system of psychological knowledge about family, rational approach to the identification of psychological factors shaping readiness for successful implementation of the parental position in education of the adopted child, and also in reducing of secondary abandonment level. One of such factors is the motivation of adoption of a child into a family.
Keywords: temporary family, successful temporary parenthood, motivation of accepting a child, socialization of orphan children
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 31 — 37
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